पश्यैतां पाण्डुपुत्राणामाचार्य
महतीं चमूम्।
व्यूढां द्रुपदपुत्रेण तव शिष्येण धीमता।।1.3।।
व्यूढां द्रुपदपुत्रेण तव शिष्येण धीमता।।1.3।।
O teacher! Behold this mighty army of the sons of Pandu, marshalled in a
military array by Drupada's son, your intelligent pupil.
Here we get to know what was left in the second shloka of the
respective scripture. Duryodhana approaches Acharya Drona and talks to him
about the might Pandava army standing in front of him. In a way, Duryodhana
extols the military line up set up by Drishtdumn, Draupadi’s brother and
Acharya Dron’s pupil.
Duryodhana, emphasized the name of Drupada’s son because of an
old incident as per which Durpada did penance to get children who would one day
kill Acharya Drona, in order to avenge the slight to his might inflicted by
Acharya Drona. The two children who were the fruition of the Putrakameshti yagya
were Draupadi and Dhristdumn.
Much as Acharya Dron knew everything about the yagya from the
beginning, he still didn’t eschew his paramount principles as a teacher, and
hence allocated combat training to Drishtdumn with Pandavas and Kauravas.
Duryodhana’s shrewdness as a sanguine fighter is seen in this
shloka as he is ostentatiously reminding Acharya Dron that he must not shower
mercy on the antagonistic side, by making him recapitulate about the yagya and
the purpose for which Drishtdumn was born.
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