India has been facing a very enormous and tough competition from countries like China, Unites States of America, France etc. in terms of technology, military and every field. But the competition is very difficult. India is lacking behind these country in many fields due to bad judgements etc. In technological advancements too these countries are outshining us. For example- China last year launched its new aircraft carrier ship Lianoning and India is hopeful of its first aircraft carrier ship one in the year 2017.
Now let’s take another example of USA (United States of America). The government there is not involved in cat fighting with other political parties but the government is busy at empowering the nation on the world front as well as internally. The President of USA communicates with people while the Prime Minister here is not at all seen talking with people about their problems. The USA has many laws for the welfare of people while if any law has to be passed here the political parties bar it. Now on terrorism, the government there has annihilated and obliterated all the attacks on country by empowering its citizens, laws and intelligence agencies. USA is having agencies like CIA (Central Investigation Agency), FBI(Federal Bureau of Investigation), Seals which are adept at doing everything and finding anyone, extenuating the enemy’s power, solving any puzzle and conducting any operation while Indian government is having nothing. After the 26/11, worst attack that India has even faced on its security, India set up the NIA(National Investigation Agency) and it is having CBI(Central Bureau of Investigation) which always show inefficacy in dealing with the matter. The NIA has not even cracked the mystery shrouding the Hyderabad Blasts and has not done anything good in that. The CBI as we all know is infamous of being under the influence of the government and is not highly skilful at dealing with matters pertinent to the terrorism. We people never invest heavily on our agencies, on the betterment of these agencies which is the greatest problem. In one of the interview of the US officials one said that, “In Washington secrecy rules” and that’s why the government and agencies there are wonderful and efficient at their works. In India nothing is secret. For ex. Every operation from killing of Ajmal Aamir Kasab, the 26/11 terrorist and Afzal Guru the 2001 Parliament attacks mastermind everything was known to everyone. In 26/11 attacks the terrorists also got much help from Indian television. They were watching everything the position of police personnels, NSG commandos etc. on the TVs from the Taj hotel and that’s why these facts became more conducive to killing of people.
Indian government doesn’t understand the significance of intelligence services. In Unites State there has been no major attack after the 09/11, why just because of good judgements.
Notwithstanding playing party politics the Indian leaders should aim at higher efficiency and good judgements first.
Jai Hind
Jai Bharat
Jai Ma
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