Monday, 25 March 2013

A wise enemy is better than a foolish friend.

With great power comes great responsibility and those in which great power is vested should ponder on it and understand the importance of the humongous power being allocated to them.

When you have been accommodated with tremendous power, then you are not like the same ordinary one as you used to be before. Authentically power is like a sweet poison. It should be used to empower or if not used warily in this respect then it will inevitably completely annihilate you.

This advice has been penned down this advice to the People’s Republic of China (PRC). The Washington Free Beacon recently reported that, “According to United States of America’s intelligence and diplomatic officials China has covertly entered into an accord with Pakistan to erect a third nuclear reactor at Chashma in Punjab Province.” “The secret agreement for the Chashma-3 reactor was signed in Beijing during the visit by a delegation from the Atomic Energy Commission from FEB15-18.” The report added.  The agreement calls for the State run China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) to construct a 1000-MW power plant at Chashma, where two earlier Chinese were build.


But if China does this then it would be in violation of its international treaty. China joined Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) in the year 2005 which forbids People’s Republic of China from selling nuclear goods to any country that is not part of International Atomic Energy agency and that’s why the signed agreement bars China from selling reactors to Pakistan.


The other thing is the whole world knows that Pakistan is a safe heavenly abode of terrorism resides everywhere and is prevalent there in every place, every state and in the whole country. Nuclear energy is a very sensitive energy and could be very-very perilous if it gets into the hands of bad and scoundrels. This technology can be easily used by terrorists against humanity and in order to harm nations like India and that’s why for humanity sake China should mull over the use of this great tumultuous technology.


Jai hind, jai Bharat

Jai Ma Bharti

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