Sunday, 24 July 2016


In life most of us grumble about the brevity of time with which we have been bestowed. We all indulge in squabbles regarding the availability of 'just 24' hours in a day when we want to do so much in those moments. Why we have been given such a little time that we can't even practice multiple things in one day? For most of your life, you would be confronted with the same question in various different ways. We all complain about not being able to perform to the best of our senses because we don't have enough time in one day, we cavil so many unworthy excuses regarding the paucity of time and hence at last we are not able to do anything great and become an ambidextrous and intelligent person in life.

If you are among those people, just perform a small exercise now. Sit in a silent room where there is no one to disturb you for five minutes, where there is no music, TV or any sort of source of entertainment. Now take a clock and continue watching it for five minutes sans conducting any other work. Be in complete state of rest and sit upright on a chair while doing the exercise. 

The result would most probably be common for almost each one of you. You would become damn bored and restless in just two minutes while watching the clock and these five minutes would appear as five hours.  Let me give you one more example, when you are asked to talk with your best friend, you can carry on for hours without even noticing that so much time has passed but when you asked to speak on stage for two minutes; you would be completely dazzled and at a loss of words. 

These things happen with almost all of us. In life each and everything depends on a reference frame. Lets say you are sitting in a train, the person sitting next to you is in complete rest with respect to you but for a person sitting outside train , the person sitting next to you would be moving at the speed of the train and this ultimately proves that in life things depend on our reference frame. The day we change our perspective about things, each and everything changes instinctively.

Hence, the first and foremost thing is to change our perspective about time. Till the day we think that we don't have enough of time, we would always be short of time, till the day we think we can't do multiple things, we would always be confined in doing the mundane activities and hence first of all stop telling yourself that you don't have time to carry on your duties. Jordan Belfort ( Wolf of the Wall Street)  once said, " The only thing standing between you and your dream is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can't achieve it. "

 We all have been given the same amount of time. Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Cristiano Ronaldo and all other great people too had the same time. They too got only twenty 86,400 seconds in a day but unlike most of us they didn't waste time on trifles but practiced their skill; they stopped bemoaning about circumstances and rather than that actually used their resources in the right direction and hence they became better than others. Today, you too need to realize the same thing. Stop bothering about getting extra time and make a habit of doing things in the required time. The day you start doing that and the day you start abandoning trivial things out of life, you would start getting success. 

Just make list of all the things that you regularly do everyday. Believe me, you are indeed spending more than ten hours everyday in doing things which amount to nothing or in rude words are truly crap. Just do it once and you would know what I mean to say. 

Hence just stop wasting your time and the time you save would actually give you the life changing moments. Now, just sit down and first do that five minute thing and then make a list of all the things you do everyday and get ready to be embarrassed in front of yourself over how much time you waste everyday.

Bruce Lee once said, 

"If you love life, don't waste time; because time is what life is made up of."



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