Saturday, 2 July 2016


                  गुरु गोबिन्द दोउ खडे काके लागूँ  पाँय,

                  बलिहारी गुरु आपने गोबिन्द दियो बताय

Here also Saint Kabir touches upon a great issue of life, i.e revering our teacher. In utmost and above board sense, a true teacher is one; who is utterly dedicated to his pupils, the one who lives to see his students soar up in the sky; the one who dedicates all that he has learnt in order to see his students reaching the summit of success; a true guru is filled only with love and is truly a virtuoso in his skills and aims at producing true maestros at his work, a true guru is never filled with any ostensible desire of any kind of gain, he has been redeemed from the materialistic shackles that continue to cage the mediocre people and he brings up his students as if he was truly their father.

In this life, one of the biggest blessings that anybody can ever have would be of having such a teacher. The true value of teacher is of beggars description, the true price of a veracious teacher's guru is patently priceless and hence not everybody has the great luck of having a great teacher and through this couplet Kabir pays tribute to teachers in his own marvelous and incredible way.

Here Saint Kabir beautifully tries to describe the most splendid things in his two lines by saying that when faced with the decision of touching the feet of the almighty lord or his guru, Kabir sans any shadow of doubt would opt to touch the pious feet of his guru, because he could never have got to meet the lord if he wouldn't have been guided by such an nonpareil guru and hence, because rest other things stand on the pedestal of guru's ingenious teachings, the guru is obviously the one who must be given the priority. 

In just these two lines Saint Kabir has expressed his love for a true teacher by deeming him even above the almighty lord, and hence it's the duty of us to recognize such a heavenly soul and respect him even more than the omniscient lord.


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