Monday, 4 July 2016


संत ना छाडै संतई, जो कोटिक मिले असंत
 चन्दन भुवंगा बैठिया,  तऊ सीतलता न तजंत।

Here Guru Kabir also talks beautifully and laconically about the defining characteristics of a good soul. Guru Kabir defines a good, amicable person as the one who never forsakes his principles despite of being in the company of even a thousand bellicose people, just like the tree of "Chandan" continues to allocate a pleasant placidity and coldness notwithstanding thousands of snakes clinging on it. Despite of having so many snakes around the tree, the tree doesn't emulate the snake's quality of spitting venom but instead continues to work on its own principles. 

Indeed, we all must be like this only. Let me tell you an old-school story which talks about a great sagacity and acumen regarding our daily affairs. Once there used to be a saint, who was meditating near the bank of a river. Just after completing his meditation, as he stood up, he say a scorpion just near the bank of the river which was about to be drowned. The saint rushed towards the scorpion and took it out of the water. Just as the saint took the scorpion out of the water, the scorpion mercilessly stung upon the saint and owning to the pain the saint just whisked his hand and the scorpion plunged down into the river again and started drowning. The saint once again took up the scorpion and scorpion, as per the law of his nature, stung the saint again, and saint got hurt once again. On watching this, one of the disciples of the saint came running and asked the saint why he was trying to salvage the scorpion despite of the repeated attacks by the scorpion. The saint, in a very composed manner replied, "in this world, all of us have been accommodated with some special characteristics. The scorpion is just doing its duty of stings and being human, I am doing by duty of saving the scorpion." and finally the saint took the scorpion out and put him away from the river.

This fable truly depicts, that each of us have been given a good characteristics and that we should never stop practicing them because the day we start losing our own characteristics owning to the environment nearby, our inner soul would start enervating and nobody would be able to save us.


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