Friday, 1 July 2016


                                                  तिनका कबहुँ ना निन्दिये, जो पाँवन तर होय,
                                                  कबहुँ उड़ी आँखिन पड़े, तो पीर घनेरी होय।

My today's blog ponders on an important piece of advice given by Saint Kabir which is quintessentially important in our life. It's a natural facet of human life that as our enchephalon transmogrify into maturity, we start neglecting various little things in life and this habit is mundane for those people who have just embarked on their dream of achieving a great goal. A natural belief exists that whatever we achieve, is not extraordinary and whatever we don't have is truly out of the world, superb, tremendous etc. and owning to such a behavior, we snub off things that we have already achieved and hence contentment too snubs us off. And here starts our most blunder faux pas which can tarnish all our efforts in order to be great and hence Saint Kabir hits a bulls eye in giving this indispensable advice to us. 

Saint Kabir asks us not to treat even small minute things with contempt. Disparaging even one single thing can even prove fatal for us. Kabir fillips us his point with a wonderful example too. He explicitly comes to the point through the example of a small small (for example that of wheat). This is an analogy for things which we consider of trivial importance. Kabir says that though the minuteness of the small grain makes it appear as a fragile and insignificant thing,but if even once, the grain somehow slips into our eye, it can just make us go awry and blind. Exactly just like the pebble, the small things in our life, if done in a wrong fashion, can easily obliterate all the big things we are aiming at and hence neglecting even the slightest things, can botch up all the great ones.

                                                                   JAI HIND, JAI BHARAT
                                                                       JAI MA BHARTI

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