Sunday 10 April 2016

Things you can't change in life.....

Here comes the concept that life is unfair. You must have seen some individuals who have always been better at so many things from the very beginning. What the hell they did in their mother's womb that they were born with greatness? Richard Feynman, the great scientist is one such example. Though I am one of the biggest fan of this great Nobel Prize winner who changed the Quantum Mechanics for the whole world but today I feel jealous of him. I came to know that just at the age of 12, he himself derived various formulas. At such a tender age, when children don't even know the meaning of trigonometry, he derives formulas for multiple angles all by himself and that too in a much easier fashion than what was described in the text books. A guy of 12 or so doing such things is not normal and this is truly a gifted thing, we just can't change things, we have to accept them the way they are. You can't stand up and ask anybody, what did Feynman do in order to be so great and why I have not been like him and that's why I said that life is truly unfair. There have been so many people who work so much hard, but still they can't reach the level of Feynman who solved calculus problems at the age of 13 (this is again a great aberration). Moving on let's take some more examples. Ramanujan at just the age of 14, commenced pure mathematical analysis which is far more difficult to be done even by the talented college individuals. His works even today have still not been proved (the results which he proved way years back). How would you account for his this brilliance? Was it something that he achieve or was it something he was given by birth. I would go with the latter because it is very difficult for me to believe that a child of just fourteen, could start mathematical analysis.
History is plagued with such examples where some individuals have been gifted by birth while some others who worked hard day and night in order to achieve greatness but failed in their attempts. There have been so many great rulers, chiefs, academicians who worked hard to win and become great but despite of so many persistent efforts, everything proved to be futile and today we don’t even know them. Life is certainly unfair to some and very much fair to some and it all depends on your luck. We all can expand our horizons only to a predestined extent and after that everything has been premeditated for all of us and now I believe that there is hardly any scope for people to move beyond such level.
Let’s take the example of Eklavya, from Mahabharata, the greatest Indian epic. First he could not get the teacher he wanted (Acharya Dron). But this guy never left hope and just erected a small sculpture of Acharya Dhron and started practicing in front of the sculpture with great persistence, motivation and a humongous desire to be the best warrior. When Acharya Dron came to know of the incident and also realized that he could even surpass and outshine Dron’s best student Arjun, Dron talked to Eklavya and said that as you have considered me your teacher you have to render me service and when Eklavya asked what he could do for his teacher,Dron demanded Eklavya’s thumb so that he could not use the bow again. And as Eklavya highly revered his teacher, sans any agitation or dismay he cut his thumb. Now you tell me, when Eklavya had the potential to become the greatest archer in the world, why such a thing happened to him. When his persistence had even scared one of the biggest teachers of history, why wasn’t he allowed to achieve greatness. People say that we all get what we deserve and God always helps us in the way. Now just tell me what was Eklavya’s fault and where was our God while all such things were happening. Krishna did so much cheating in the favour of Arjun in Mahabharat but could not even do one justified thing for Eklavya. One word that mention the whole situation here would be “ridiculous” and at last what this incident proves is that many a times you have to fail, not because of your own faults but just because that your rival got uncanny support from so many things which never worked for you and in such times you have to accept defeat. You have to accept the fact that some things in life are inevitable and you just can’t move past them, you just can’t move beyond them. You have to accept that some things are not destined for you, no matter how much hard you train, you have to accept it.

Solution to the problem: Though I have written so much about the problem but remorsefully I have no solution to this problem. No matter how much you try, but still some goals elude you and some other people who got the best trainers, best teachers, best things win, not because they work harder but just because they have better things than you. (Some people might use such things as an excuse of not working hard and this post is seriously not for them and for those who are really stuck in such a problem I would just say I know you are dejected and vexed but I am sorry, I just can’t help)……………..

Jai Hind, Jai Bharat

     Jai Ma Bharti

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