Tuesday 26 April 2016



The above written epigram elucidates in an outright way the best thing that any man can learn in order to achieve success. The message professed in the quote says that just like you can never build a weak and fragile house during the storm just in the same manner it would be a tomfoolery to ever believe that crying will change your destiny. It goes on to add that have the courage to win the whole world and always remember that one defeat can't make you a looser and one victory can't make you world's greatest conqueror Alexander, the Great.

Though somehow the beauty of the quote is lost in the translation but rather than focusing on that, what we must ponder on, is what's the true hidden meaning of the aphorism. 

The first and foremost thing is that, our destiny lies not in the stars or planets, but in our own hands. We all have great power in us. Whatever our mind can think of, it can actually create that and hence we are the ones who can change things. Expecting others to come and help you out of your trouble is never going to fetch you anything except heartaches. The biggest enemy that you have to fight against is actually the inner you, your own soul. If you defeat the enemy within, no enemy outside would be left. So first of all, accept the two thing. Nobody would ever come and help you. You are responsible for what is happening to you. No other person on earth would ever take pains to change your life, because they can't. Your destiny depends on your work, your deeds and only you can change it. 

The next question arises that if we can change our destiny, then how do we do it! There is only one and one answer to the question- by trying to change your destiny... The most important thing that you have to do is to first recognize what you want to do in your life. Mark Twain once said, "The two most important days in your life are the day you were born, and the day you find out why." If you have found out what you really love to do, not for other's happiness but for your own joy, you have already won half the battle of your life. If you love what you do, you are destined to become great at that thing. Most of the people in this world are not happy just because they are not doing the things they actually want but they are still doing it. This is the reason they come, they see and they go while those who have the courage to follow their dreams follow a different path. They come, they see and they conquer. So, if you ever want to live a distinguished life, then do something for which you are really passionate. Les Brown once said, "If you don't follow your dreams, one day when you die and go to your graveyard, those ideas, those dreams would come to you and will say, we only came up to you and only you could have given us any identity, but you did nothing and today we have to die with you." You are surely made for one purpose in this world and only you have the chance to do something about it and you surely are made for that one thing and it lies on you to complete those dreams. Many people might come in between your dreams, this may include your family, your spouse, your friends or anybody, just think if you leave your dreams for anybody today, would you be happy five, ten or twenty years after the incident. Will anybody else do something for that at that time if you leave what you have always wanted to do. When you go to your deathbed, nobody else will go with you, hence nobody else will ever answer to your dreams and only you have to face it all. You have got just one life, don't waste in on living the way others want you to live, its your own life, go and do something for yourself because nobody else will ever do anything for you.

The next thing is when you move ahead in your life, even if you are doing what you truly love, many a times you will fail. You have to fail in order to succeed ultimately, because failures are actually lesson to you by none other than the nature. None of us has ever been born perfect and hence when you prepare for success, sometimes we commit mistakes and to rectify those mistakes, you need to fail, so that you find the reasons why you failed and ameliorate your strategy so believe me never be disappointed at your failure. Its a natural human reaction that when you will fail, you would feel as if you are destroyed and nothing remains, in some failures where you would have risked everything you had, you would just feel as if you are not talented, you are not destined to do that things you want to, but trust me, after you come out of those moments of intense exasperation, analyse why you failed and then you would come to know about your shortcomings which would at last become the pillars of your success. 

One more thing that you need to take care of is about getting overconfident. While you prepare for the ultimate battle, you would see many ups and downs. So whenever you face the downs, don't feel defeated or upset rather than that take lessons from your mistakes and when you reach the summits never let you become overconfident. Because when you tell yourself that you know everything, you stop learning things and at that time you start loosing out on important things which might be crucial for your success. You don't become great by one victory and one simple victory just doesn't mean that you are to that thing as Mozart was to music. So, always be eager to learn from others and the day you kill your ego and start learning from the people around you, you start stepping on the ladder of success......


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