Saturday, 30 April 2016


Simple living and high thinking...

The greatest people in the world who have ever achieved anything beyond our imaginations have always followed a pretty simple and frugal lifestyle and this in fact is one of the biggest reasons behind their success, because to reach the top, you have to sacrifice a lot of things. I have seen a lot of people who have been talented, who have been exceptionally good at something they used to do but when they just started tasting success, they became so much enamored by small things that they just couldn't step out of its glamour and they continued winding up in such traps that they could never come out and reach the top but those who don't deter from their path and continue doing what they love rather than being tangled into the perks of the world, at last reach the top.

It is a human tendency that we have a great proclivity for so many things around us that we actually don't do what we must do for ourselves. We confine ourselves to so many stupid things(which the world considers as pretty good etc.) that we stop doing what's good for us and start doing what pleases others. Even before achieving great things, just after getting a small success, people become completely replenished with ego, pride etc. that they stop learning. Even if they fail, they try to hide their failure owning to their excessive ego and the who process of learning from the mistakes is eradicated and at last the person goes nowhere, because the person who thinks he knows the most is the one who actually knows that least.

Vishwanathan Anand, the famous Indian chess grand master, once said ," Never think that you have learnt more, because when you start thinking that you have learnt so much, you stop learning and you get confined to a limited knowledge which is in itself a disaster."

The Greatest Indian political analyst and kingmaker Kautilya wrote in his great book Chanakya Neeti, "Our life is not that much great that we do all the mistakes ourselves and learn from them and hence its necessary to learn from other's mistake." But actually a person who believes he knows the most turn a blind eye onto things which he could have learnt from others (because he believes that he knows more than anybody else and hence nobody else could teach him anything new), at last falls in the trap of one of the those things that he could have learnt before and passes away.

Haughtiness is one of the greatest disaster that a person can commit. This is the deadliest blow that a person can fire on himself and its a common trait of all the successful people to be simple in their attitude, appearance and nature and this quality which others think is a normal character trait is actually the reason behind their success.....


Friday, 29 April 2016

Work Hard, Dream Big.

We all cherish some great people, we emulate them and in every sense we want to be like them. We love the way our idols do things, think differently, do almost everything they are given in a sort of new view and we just love such things so much that the biggest wish that we ever have would be to be a replica of our idols, but let me tell you a deeper truth, beneath the great popularity that they hold, beneath the greatness that emanates out of them, beneath their great, ingenious and genuine pondering of each and every situation they combat with, beneath the craft at which they are termed great by the world, there is so much hard work and sweat that others can hardly imagine. We undermine their hard work by calling them pure god gifted geniuses but actually they are the best hard workers you can ever get in the world.
Let me give you the example of one of the greatest football players who have ever existed, Cristiano Ronaldo. Today so many people want to be like him, play like him and they just love his greatness. Some call him god-gifted while some just believe he was born to play football. But the truth is that he had to go away abroad, leaving his family to learn to play well. All the other players called him too much "skinny", made fun of him and tried to demotivate him. But this guy kept on playing, he carried on doing the thing he loved and today we all know who this guy is, world's greatest soccer player.

Every great person on this earth is just a product of great hard work and talent actually doesn't work for anybody in the world. The word "god-gifted" has been adopted by those who couldn't do something themselves and wanted to find a reason for their own defeat and in actuality the god-gifted people are not created, they are carved out of many years of hard work, hundreds of hours of perspiration and then more than tons of motivation which actually lead to the formation of great people and this actually makes the difference between the losers as well as the winners.

Remember, that greatness is not a god given, elusive gift that only a few amongst us can have, it is actually a common thing that we all have in our heart, the only thing is how we ignite that greatness and that can only be done through hard work and dedication.

So keep doing that things you love, one day you will defeat everybody else to get what you have always wanted......


Thursday, 28 April 2016

Change is permanent.....

The one thing that will always remain constant in the world, the one thing that's never going to mutate and the one thing that will never change is actually the "change" itself. Nothing will ever remain constant, the world is in itself dynamic. It's indeed the biggest truth of life that nothing can ever be constant. This world is just like the atoms, which are randomly arranged array of things which despite of pretending from outside as if its a constant mass of thing undergoing zero motion but actually, it is and will always be in the most dynamic state.

Things continue changing. The people who run the world today will fade into oblivion one day and those who are today in the shadows of darkness would one day be the master of the world. In the same manner, our fate works. There may be time when you are destroyed, bankrupt, in the worst state that you can envisage but don't give up, because things will change one day. Its a completely true things that things will pass away. You will one day come out of all the shocks, hardships and adversities of life to conquer everything you had wanted. Just when you are no longer able to work, that's the time when things start changing.

As I mentioned earlier that in this world things will change for forever, now will your conditions change for better or worse lies completely in your hand. We all need to work, that's a reality but to win we need to work a little more, that's again a reality. Whenever you are dealing with the worst times in your life, first of all tell yourself that things will change and then continue doing what you have been doing because just when you step out of your comfort zones, things start changing.

I know it might take some time but one day, due to your perseverance and hard work, eventually the cloud of gloominess would scatter away and you would observe the sunshine on hope. Keep in mind you are already in pain, now this pain can reside in you for an hour, month or year but if you hold on, at last things would chain and these pains would become a great memories of your victories just like a trophy but if you quit today, this pain would be there permanently and that too as a nightmare.

So if you have been working hard for something and have failed, don't quit, believe in yourself because things have to change, that's nature's law, keep working at your craft and consequently all the hindrances would be eradicated and you will emerge out as a champion......


Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Never Settle For Less.


Let me tell you one thing, the world doesn't count how many times you broken down, how many times you were knocked down but what it does remember is how many times you stood up, it does keep in mind how many time you won when it was almost impossible, it does keep in mind how many times you beat all the odds to show that world that you really deserve the best.

Success is actually a tale of failures ended up with a glorious win. In our lives, we all set out on some journeys but not everybody who sets the sail reaches the shore. The thing that creates a difference between the winners as well as the losers is not actually who between both of them failed but who never settled for less. We all have a burning fire of greatness inside our hearts, what matters most is who doesn't let that fire blow away. The losers after reaching failure would settle for less but the winners don't stop until they have won the game. The real difference between a loser and a winner is not that the winner knows more, is more intelligent etc. but that the winner never settled for anything less.  The two worst words in the history of mankind have been "good enough". There is actually nothing good in something, either there is failure or there is success. We all know that somebody has to win the game ultimately, so why can't it be you! 

The great people in the world, who have actually run the world failed a lot more times that their peers, friends or enemies but what counted at last that all others settled for good and mediocre life but the ones who want to get great things in life continue on. The road to success is indeed a very lonely one and hence its a very risky one. People would come and go but you need to move on and the day you start compromising, that day you start accepting defeat and settling for less that you actually deserve. 
Let me tell you a short story about a guy. He could not complete his study in medicine and was terminated. After giving up his medical career, his father told him, “You care for nothing but shooting dogs and catching rat and and you will be nothing but a disgrace to yourself and all of your family.” After his failure in finishing his studies in medicine, he was sent to the Christ’s College, Cambridge in 1827 to study theology with a view to be intended as a clergyman and he could not concentrate and returned home in 1831. In his autobiography, he stated, “I was considered by all my masters and my father, a very ordinary boy, rather below the common standard of intellect.” This person was considered a failure by almost anybody. He could have settled for a job as the clergyman but he didn't. Even his own father called him a lazy and indolent but he never stopped doing what he loved and at last he came to be known as one of the greatest scientists of 19th century. He is none other than Charles Darwin, the father of Modern Biology.

The only difference why others failed but he didn't is just that he refused to settle for anything less. He just passed all the odds to achieve what he really wanted to and hence at last he became successful. 

Failure is not getting knocked down but refusing to stand up again........


Tuesday, 26 April 2016



The above written epigram elucidates in an outright way the best thing that any man can learn in order to achieve success. The message professed in the quote says that just like you can never build a weak and fragile house during the storm just in the same manner it would be a tomfoolery to ever believe that crying will change your destiny. It goes on to add that have the courage to win the whole world and always remember that one defeat can't make you a looser and one victory can't make you world's greatest conqueror Alexander, the Great.

Though somehow the beauty of the quote is lost in the translation but rather than focusing on that, what we must ponder on, is what's the true hidden meaning of the aphorism. 

The first and foremost thing is that, our destiny lies not in the stars or planets, but in our own hands. We all have great power in us. Whatever our mind can think of, it can actually create that and hence we are the ones who can change things. Expecting others to come and help you out of your trouble is never going to fetch you anything except heartaches. The biggest enemy that you have to fight against is actually the inner you, your own soul. If you defeat the enemy within, no enemy outside would be left. So first of all, accept the two thing. Nobody would ever come and help you. You are responsible for what is happening to you. No other person on earth would ever take pains to change your life, because they can't. Your destiny depends on your work, your deeds and only you can change it. 

The next question arises that if we can change our destiny, then how do we do it! There is only one and one answer to the question- by trying to change your destiny... The most important thing that you have to do is to first recognize what you want to do in your life. Mark Twain once said, "The two most important days in your life are the day you were born, and the day you find out why." If you have found out what you really love to do, not for other's happiness but for your own joy, you have already won half the battle of your life. If you love what you do, you are destined to become great at that thing. Most of the people in this world are not happy just because they are not doing the things they actually want but they are still doing it. This is the reason they come, they see and they go while those who have the courage to follow their dreams follow a different path. They come, they see and they conquer. So, if you ever want to live a distinguished life, then do something for which you are really passionate. Les Brown once said, "If you don't follow your dreams, one day when you die and go to your graveyard, those ideas, those dreams would come to you and will say, we only came up to you and only you could have given us any identity, but you did nothing and today we have to die with you." You are surely made for one purpose in this world and only you have the chance to do something about it and you surely are made for that one thing and it lies on you to complete those dreams. Many people might come in between your dreams, this may include your family, your spouse, your friends or anybody, just think if you leave your dreams for anybody today, would you be happy five, ten or twenty years after the incident. Will anybody else do something for that at that time if you leave what you have always wanted to do. When you go to your deathbed, nobody else will go with you, hence nobody else will ever answer to your dreams and only you have to face it all. You have got just one life, don't waste in on living the way others want you to live, its your own life, go and do something for yourself because nobody else will ever do anything for you.

The next thing is when you move ahead in your life, even if you are doing what you truly love, many a times you will fail. You have to fail in order to succeed ultimately, because failures are actually lesson to you by none other than the nature. None of us has ever been born perfect and hence when you prepare for success, sometimes we commit mistakes and to rectify those mistakes, you need to fail, so that you find the reasons why you failed and ameliorate your strategy so believe me never be disappointed at your failure. Its a natural human reaction that when you will fail, you would feel as if you are destroyed and nothing remains, in some failures where you would have risked everything you had, you would just feel as if you are not talented, you are not destined to do that things you want to, but trust me, after you come out of those moments of intense exasperation, analyse why you failed and then you would come to know about your shortcomings which would at last become the pillars of your success. 

One more thing that you need to take care of is about getting overconfident. While you prepare for the ultimate battle, you would see many ups and downs. So whenever you face the downs, don't feel defeated or upset rather than that take lessons from your mistakes and when you reach the summits never let you become overconfident. Because when you tell yourself that you know everything, you stop learning things and at that time you start loosing out on important things which might be crucial for your success. You don't become great by one victory and one simple victory just doesn't mean that you are to that thing as Mozart was to music. So, always be eager to learn from others and the day you kill your ego and start learning from the people around you, you start stepping on the ladder of success......


Monday, 25 April 2016

Greatness in you....

Sometimes despite of trying hard you fail, sometimes despite of risking almost everything you had you fail, sometimes despite of taking all the optimum steps you fail and sometimes you fail really really badly. Though no one can actually feel how you feel after being defeated at something which you really wanted to win but let me tell you something that you must know, if you have failed, you have already achieved greatness by 50%. There is a famous quote in Hindi which goes like this,
The quote is a very powerful and veracious one. It says, only those people can fall down, who dared to stand up and fight in the battlefield, because those who are creeping on the ground (just like small children) can never fall down. And hence to fail at something, you need to have greatness. If you really worked hard at something and despite of that you failed, actually you have achieved half greatness and this world has given you one more chance to win with much better results as you would have earlier because you are not born to settle for less.

See, I don't know you, I don't know from where you are reading this post, but one thing I know is that you have in yourself that element of greatness. Because greatness is not something elusive, its present in each one of us. The greats are great just because they had wanted things with more passion, ardor, desire and had worked even harder. Let me give you an example, we all learn to write when we are small children, but our handwritings are mostly unique. Some write so much good and some write in illegible manner. So, are those who write beautifully great? Certainly not, its just that when they started writing they used to write with more feelings and practised more than you and nothing else. Similarly, if you keep working hard on something day and night you would become exceptional at it because greatness is no talent and all hardwork.

Talent actually doesn't exist in the world. Its all about our desires. Great scientists became great just because they loved their subject more than they loved sleeping, talking, chatting and playing. Micheal Jordan wad ousted from his high school team, but he worked hard and became the greatest basketball player of the world. This truly shows that he didn't possess talent but he possessed a huge love for the game and worked hard than anybody else in the whole world to become better at at. So, just find the thing you love and if you fail at it, rather than being discouraged try to find out the reasons why you failed. Because you failure is just a nature's cue to you that you are lagging on to something. When you love something the whole universe would conspire to help you achieve it and during this process when you fail, that's universe's game plan to make you realize your mistakes so that at last when you win, you would have no shortcomings. Believe me, you can't see the future today but carry the potential to make it. In the fame of great people on earth, there are unknown stories of persistence, hard work, failure, losing love etc. but they carried on despite of all the hardships and got everything they wanted to have. You, too can but it won't be easy because if you want to shine like a sun, you need to burn like a sun. If you want to defeat a world of 7 billion, you need to work harder than those 7 billion people, if they invest one hour you need to invest ten hours because greatness is just about becoming the invincible at something.

So, if you have decided something for you, go and get it. Don't ever let anybody come between you and your passion and believe me, even if talent exists in the world, it is negligible in front of the skill, which is developed and not gifted. You can beat the talented ones (the people around you  who are good at something you want to become great at). Your persistence must be so much that their being gifted becomes a past and your hard work becomes the future. And yes, if you truly love something, if you are ready to die to just live that moment of greatness at something you really want, no matter how many difficulties come, no matter how many people forsake you, no matter how many times  you are rejected, one special day would be yours when you would defeat every person on the earth at something you really love. So prepare for that day because I believe that one day, you will get to that day..............

 "The world can tell you who you are, but not what you can be...."


Sunday, 24 April 2016

Revelations in Ishrat Jahan encounter case...

One of the biggest sin that a person can commit would be a betrayal to one’s own nation, the nation that gave him birth, the nation that brought him up and the nation that allocated him with all the resources that needed to survive on and move ahead, the nation which gave him the opportunity to do something for himself and the nation which is equivalent to his own mother. But this world is truly replenished with such crazy people who commit the betrayal and continue doing that till the day they are not exposed and the biggest thing is they don’t even feel shameful about the matter.

The whole plot started at the time when the prospects of Mr. Modi’s fighting the election to the country’s most premium position i.e. the Prime Minister of the nation gained weight. The opposition became highly wary and careful of the rising popularity of this leader and that of his most trusted companion and minister Mr. Amit Shah and to restrain Mr. Modi to get the top job, a complete plan was hatched in order to sabotage all the prospects of his becoming Prime Minister and the plan was so much meticulously designed that it could immensely malign the image of the two leader and could even send them to jail.

Early on the morning of 15 june 2004,  Ishrat Jahan, Javed Sheikh, Zeeshan Johar and Amjad Ali Rana were shot dead on the road leading to the Kotarpur waterworks on the outskirts of Ahmedabad. This is one of the most debated encounter in the Indian history. Soon after the encounter, the whole political system of India was shaken and those trying to gain up the Muslim votes banked hugely on this matter as this became the key to their political success ahead. After the Gujarat riots in the year 2002 and some cases of encounters out there, of people who were trying to kill the then Chief Minister of state Mr. Modi, various human rights commission had been complaining of the state’s unacceptable behavior towards Muslim (which itself is completely baseless and even Muslims of Gujarat claim that the amount of economic well being they experienced during the time of Mr. Modi’s government has been unprecedented) and the issue of Ishrat Jahan came as a breather for those who were annoyed at the huge progress the state of Gujarat had made.  CBI( Central Bureau of Investigation) in an outright manner blamed the Gujarat police officials saying that the encounter was done just to gain promotions but never spoke anything about the alleged relation of Ishrat Jahan with LeT terrorist organization of  Pakistan.  On 15 July 2004, The Indian Express,  The Times of India,, Outlook  carried news reports that "the Lahore-based Ghazwa Times, mouthpiece of the Lashkar-e-Taiba" had acknowledged Ishrat Jahan as a Lashkar-e-Taiba operative. According to these news reports, the Ghazwa Times had published an article on the "Jamat-ul-Dawa"  website stating that "the veil of Ishrat Jahan, a woman activist of LeT, was removed by Indian police and her body was kept with other mujahideens (terrorists) on the ground", and that "Ishrat was with her husband, sitting on the front seat of the car". In June 2007, the Business Standard reported that the "global terror group Lashkar-e-Taiyba" had apologized  to Indian muslims on 2 May 2007 on the Jamaat-ud-Dawah's website "for causing them problems due to an inadvertent mistake", with the article implying that mistake in question was the claim that "Ishrat Jehan Reza had been a Lashkar operative". The whole plot was actually a plan of this deadly terror group in order to take full benefit of the game that Indians were themselves playing against India.

In between the whole drama, the Metropolitan Magistrate SP Tamang, himself gave his report claiming that the encounter was staged one by officers who wanted promotion and Ishrat Jahan had nothing to do with LeT and interesting he even concluded the time when encounter took place despite of having any witness of the encounter.  Even the Gujarat high court acknowledged that fact stayed the Tamang report on 9 September 2009 but gave liberty to Ishrat's mother to produce the report before the three-member committee constituted by the High Court to investigate the encounter. Justice Kalpesh Javheri said the observations made in the report were beyond the jurisdiction of the judicial magistrate.  The Division Bench directed the Registrar-General of the High Court to institute a departmental inquiry into the conduct of Mr. Tamang in holding a parallel inquiry into the encounter, when the High Court was already seized of the matter, and submitting the report without its permission.

In the year 2010, David Headley, one of the masterminds of the 26/11 attacks, imprisoned in the USA, claimed that, Ishrat Jahan was a LeT “fidayeen” (suicide bomber) deputed to kill the then Chief Minister of state. NIA (National Intelligence Agency) called its all false and baseless but later IB (Intelligence Bureau) stated that the whole thing was true and NIA had deleted these comments of Headley from its reports and that the UPA government knew of it but hid the fact from the court as well as the nation.
Though the matter had now come to a still rest with normal proceeding going on but, as they say, the truth can never be hidden. Just as Mr. Modi took the PMO (Prime Minister Office) NIA, informed him that they had complete proofs to prove that Ishrat Jahan was a LeT operative and shockingly, an affidavit signed by then Home Minister Mr. P Chidambaram came up in which he testified that Ishrat Jahan was a terrorist but later Mr. Chidambaram got the affidavit changed and said that Ishrat Jahan had no links with LeT. Headley has also lately confirmed his previous statement that Ishrat Jahan was a LeT operative working for the terror organization.

Mr. P Chidambaram’s affidavit as well the UPA’s governments act of concealing the true facts from the nation clearly portray one thing that the UPA government has cheated with the nation with an intention to divide the nation to get its vote bank and besides that there was complete planning to get Mr. Modi behind the bar. This itself is not the only such case. The “Samjhauta express” blast in which the word saffron terror was coined by the UPA government too is a replica of this case.

These things lucidly portray, how much people can fall down just to play the politics of divide the rule.  I would just advise such people to play for nation, rather than playing against the nation. They carry the onus of taking the nation ahead rather than breaking it up in fragments. So rather,  than playing such games, go and do something constructive for the nation and its people.


Saturday, 23 April 2016


Amid the ongoing economic as well as the social development of our nation, one thing that has been unfortunately left out is our failing education system.

A nation’s strength doesn’t actually depend on anything but its human capital and human capital is just a fruitful consequence of an ingenious education system but the most heartrending thing is that, the nation which once housed Takshila University, the first ever and the biggest university of the whole world is today on the back front in the global education system.

According to an education report , between the years 2010-2014, the percentage of rural children in grade four capable of double-digit subtraction dropped from 58% to 40%, fourth graders able to read first grade text fell from 68% to 56%. Such disastrous features of the Indian educational system suffice to prove the contemporary condition of our education system and today is the right time we strike a deadly blow over all the problems engulfing our education system so as to generate the most important jewel for any nation i.e. human resource capital.

Today, our education system lacks due to a lot of reasons. The first and foremost thing being our downgraded policies regarding the schools. Till class VIII, according to the norms, no student can be made to repeat any class. Such an unwanted measure by the government leads to a huge underperformance on behalf of the children and when they suddenly enter class IX, they are not very well acclimatized with what they had read earlier, leading to weaker concepts and hence an overall descent of the person’s educational life. If this is not enough, the coaching institutes do the rest of the job. Today, due to lack of any concern on behalf of government in the area of education, various coaching institutes have come out as the sole owners of the whole education system. For ex. IIT (Indian Institute of Technology) hosts the toughest engineering exam to select its few students. Now with the increasing popularity of IITs and its JEE (Joint Entrance Exam), it is now a customary thing to see every senior secondary student or even starting from class VI onwards, to go to coaching institutes. These coaching institutes charge a whopping amount of not less than 1 lakh and this extortion type business continues on, due to which only the rich can survive. The poor students who actually have a great caliber in science stream are made to surrender as they have no options because they can’t bear such heavy expenses and the ones who are actually not talented but are made to go through the rigorous coaching would crack IIT because of so many facilities that they get. Take the example of Kota, Rajasthan, the IITians factors. Almost every first rankers (except a few) hails from Kota’s coaching institutes, but the bitter truth is that to survive in Kota and study for IITs, there you need to shell out more than three to four lakhs for a year or two. Various students who are not even capable to clearing the exam get the best coaching there with teachers (who have been students at IITs) just because they have huge sums of money while the ones who actually deserve things are left out. The NCERT books which the system endorses are completely worthless and outdated which don’t even cater to complete JEE syllabus. The books which were written so many years ago, are never updated completely in order to cater to the need of school students. These books even don’t suffice for the school board exams, what to say about the prestigious JEE exam. No government till now has any interest in this matter and negligence on behalf of authorities continues to be a deadly nightmare for the children. One more thing that astonishes me is the publishing of books in Hindi and continuing of Hindi medium. In this world of technology, it’s a shame on our part to deprive our students from the global language i.e. English. I am not saying anything against the mother tongue, but what’s the need to teach our students in Hindi. From the basic level only, English education must be there rather than teaching students in Hindi and then creating a virtual divide between Hindi and English medium in India. One more shameful thing is that we have even created science and maths books in Hindi, and the children who are in Hindi medium face a lot of problems. First of all they can never find good scientific books in Hindi and even if they start studying that of English, they would get confused at various terms with which they have not been familiar. Moreover, if these children would ever want to go abroad and continue extensive study over any subject, they could never go there due to their language boundations because they are taught science in Hindi and the scientific words and terms developed in Hindi exist nowhere in the world. Such things continue to mar the education system of our country and this is the true reason, why we have such a low number of Nobel Prize winners in science and why mathematicians like Ramanujan have stopped taking birth in our nation.
Moving on to one more disastrous aspect, the quantity of teachers in our educational institutions has surely gone up but the quality has taken a nosedive. Though I accept that there are certain great teachers in India who are exemplary but the quality of teachers in the schooling system has seriously gone down. Due to excessive amount of teachers being there in the country, the schools choose the one demanding the lowest pay grade and end up getting inefficient teachers who at last destroy the children’s future. Teachers at the higher secondary level too are the ones who don’t know the things themselves but are teaching the “bright” future of our nation. Though some teachers teach by heart, but the quantity of such teachers is practically negligible over the plethora of those who are just polluting the profession and are inefficient.
One more thing that has also seriously affected the total education system is the reservation system. I can never understand why reservation in education system is done on the basis of cast and not on economic status. How can you believe that a poor Brahmin was given more perks than a millionaire SC/ST/OBC?

JEE MAIN 2015 Cutoff
Cut Off

The above given table clearly explains how discrimination is done to students in the education system. Let me give you an example of two of my friends who appeared in the above mentioned exam. One of them, belonging to ST category, had been taking coaching for almost four years(starting from his ninth standard) the other was a Brahmin, who wasn’t rich enough to get the coaching and use to get old books from his seniors. Despite of so many hardships, the latter managed to score a score of 100 and the former scored a score of 72. The one belong to the ST category clearly up while the one from the General couldn’t even qualify to give the JEE-Advanced, succeeding this exam.

Now just tell me, what’s the mistake of poor boy? Is taking birth in general category a curse in India? It truly is. Politicians beat about the bush and do nothing about this matter as this issue is directly linked with their vote banks and until and unless a leader who loves his nation rather than his votes, comes, nothing would happen in the country. I strongly support reservation, but not on the basis of caste and creed but on the basis of economic status. Thousands of poor people belonging to the general caste are just rolled down due to politics while millionaire lower castes are enjoying so many perks. It’s a shame for the fastest growing economic country in the world and a matter of disgust to every Indian. The constitution committee gave reservation for just a limited period (as it was pretty necessary at that time for the downtrodden lower castes) but extending that ahead by the successive governments is something that exposes political motivations of various party. Parties which play politics on caste are a shame to the nation and stigma on nationalism. At a time when we need to talk about nation, these people continue to stop our progress on matters of caste. Such a bunch of fools need not be in the administration of the nation. But politics would continue and things won’t change until and unless the people of the nation rise up and if delay is made such things, let alone other areas, would destroy the Indian education system and eradicate our biggest strength, the Indian knowledge.

Today is the right time when we decide whether we need to change our destiny or to just sit and curse the policy makers. Such things would continue until and unless people of the nation don’t rise up and demand things to be set out right for the future of their children, otherwise one day everything would be lost.


Friday, 22 April 2016

Delhi's Odd-even-A troubling disaster

Some days ago, the Delhi government or the one man show (Kejriwal Government) rolled out its odd even scheme in order to tackle the issue of rising pollutions under which only odd cars could run on odd days and even cars on even days. A lot of hypocritical drama was created in order to engulf the whole of the program into an environment related theme and to project Mr. Kejriwal as the only environment friendly or green Chief Minister in the whole country. But does this program really cater to what the environment wants?
After the completion of the first odd even scheme Delhi government rolled out huge sums of money (which could have been spent on various other important matters regarding water supply etc.) in order to praise itself for its success but in actuality the government had no data to prove its claim. No experimental data was recorded in order to compare the pollution levels to the previous one and Delhi government just on the basis of its assumptions and pride rolled out so many new achievement which could have never even existed and this truly points to a more dramatic situation in which the success of odd even must be taken into account.
First of all, Delhi doesn’t even have enough public transport to host the Delhiites who can’t go in their cars and had to commute through public transport. In Delhi, the average waiting time for a bus is around 70 minutes and moreover the availability of public transport (DTC buses and metro) for the Delhiites is just 0.504 per 1000 Delhiites. These horrendous facts clearly portray the actual condition of our transport system. Now, what if you suddenly double the people commuting every day? This is what the AAP government has done in order to worsen the situation.

This, itself is not the only problem with odd even formula, the second problem being the loss of employment for auto and taxi drivers. The poor auto and taxi drivers who always have to work hard even to earn the basic money and to make both ends meet would have their whole wage cut to half as they would be allowed to run only half a month based on the registration number of their vehicle. What would these people do? The recent rising of big companies like UBER and OLA in the capital is just a consequence of this thing. Now people have switched on to advanced booking of taxis etc. due to which the business of local taxi and auto drivers is seeing complete closure and in addition to that the AAP government has started their odd even, due to which a complete disaster for the taxi and auto drivers ensues. Recent CNG sticker scam in the government has also affected the auto drivers to a great extent and rather than checking the scam or taking any action against it, the Delhi government in up with a new punishment for these people. Just to make our roads free from traffic, we can’t let people die of starvation and poverty.

Trade and tourism through Delhi would also be seriously affected. People coming from outside the capital for various reason be it regarding health, trade etc. won’t be allowed entry. Assume that a person is coming in an even car on an odd day from Haryana to get to AIIMS in order to get his seriously ill relative checked, who would die if he doesn’t get the right treatments immediately.  What would happen to this guy? First of all, he would get a challan and then won’t be allowed to move further and this clearly portrays the lack of proper planning while implementation of the program. Trade through Delhi would also be jeopardized due to such ineffectively planned schemes.

Though there are various other points to prove my points, but these were the most exigent ones which need to be addressed immediately other Delhi’s government inefficaciously planned odd even would lead to huge disaster in the capital region.



Thursday, 21 April 2016

Taming the dragon....

As People’s Republic of China continues to exert its overpowering and subduing influence in the Asian region, today is high time when we try to mend up the dragon. China’s double game was soon exposed in front of the world recently when it vetoed the induction of Masood Azhar, the notorious terrorist, mastermind behind the recent Pathankot air force base as well as many previous terrorist assaults conducted against India; into the United Nation’s infamous list of terrorists as well as the terrorists organizations around the wold. Although, it has been known from the very beginning that China can never be a reliable partner to any country around the world except Pakistan(which it uses in order to play trivial diplomatic games against India), but China’s this reprehensible expression towards the global terrorism has gravely raised many questions regarding China’s credibility and the biggest problem being that China is India’s neighbor, sharing around 4056 kilometers with India and the second problem being, it’s the second biggest and fastest emerging economy of the world.

China’s intimidating presence in regions around its neighbor states have always been a menacing and nuisance affair for all its neighbours, be it Japan or India. China’s illegitimate claims over the Senkaku/Diaoyu Island have been of significant concern for the whole world as most of the trade coming to the Asian nations pass through the shores of these islands. Due to so many attempts to portray its excessive military power as well as financial well being China is progressively catapulted as a troublemaker. With so many advancements and that too just near our borders, today is the optimum time when India must spring into action in order to effect measures in order to sabotage any Chinese attempt done in order to either malign India’s integrity or to harm the nation diplomatically on any of the international fronts.

The double standard policy of the dragon must be dealt seriously and with utmost concern. Though we are having enormous ties with China in almost all the fields be it financial, diplomatic or business but still no attempt to hinder our plans of fighting terrorism or achieving economic development can be made by the China. Hence today is the right time to do something. The best measure out of this issue would be to escalate and revamp India’s ties with other developed nations. It’s pretty commendable that Modi government has taken some serious measures to do the same but still a great strategic partnership with Europe and America is surely needed. Today the rising power of China is surely a main concern for USA, Europe as well as for India due to its belligerent attitude and bellicose actions and hence India can tie up with the USA as well as Europe to come up with a powerful strategic partnership in order to overpower any derogatory attempt of PRC aimed at subduing India. Though, today India is self sufficient and well economically powered but still we need to cover a long way out and in this process the USA as well as the Europe come out as great allies for India. Our recent works with nations like France, Germany and Canada have bore exceptionally well results. With Canada we secured nuclear fuel agreement while with France, a wonderful Rafael fighters deal was struck and on the other hand, the USA has always been a key strategic investor as well as partner of India in almost all front. Various new schemes must be put into effect to accomplish two works; the first being India’s upliftment in economy as well as defense and the second being to come at par with China in order to nullify any measure by the dragon to subdue us.

My advice to China would be that we, ourselves are a great power in the world and have come up as one  of the fastest economies of the world and seriously no nation can ever, even think of overpowering us. Any such double standards on global issues like terrorism and helping nation who are serving as safe havens for the terrorism just to counter our nation depicts nothing but a short tempered and vexing approach and I believe that we, are much above than that. Our integrity and credibility speaks itself about it and our great heritage as well as custom is somewhat a matter of envy to the world. So even thinking of subduing us would be a sin. India circulates the message of love, universal brotherhood and peace but that doesn’t means that any nation can come and challenge us indirectly.


Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Small scale industries in Indian economy.

In this 21st century, industrialization is at the helm of progress and the world ahead is completely unimaginable without technology. Today, a country’s greatness is not arbitrated by anything but the industrial progress that the country has made and hence to survive in this century, we need to have excessive industrial growth which takes us ahead on the international front while simultaneously strengthen our inner structure by engendering excessive employment for the people of the nation.

To speed up our industrial growth, one factor on which we need to bank upon gravely is our Micro, small and medium enterprise and unfortunately this sector is, till now, the least looked upon.
Going according to the economic statistics, the importance of small and medium sized manufacturing industries (MSMEs) account for a great 45%  of the nation’s GDP (Gross Domestic Product) while the excessively hypocritical corporate sector just contributes one-third (15%) of the MSMEs and this, sans any doubt, proves that our MSMEs demand a great deal of exposure and the much needed attention in order to accentuate our economic growth to achieve the best.

The first and foremost thing is what is a MSME? Enterprises engaged in the manufacture or production, process or preservation of good as specified (1) A micro enterprise is an enterprise where investment in plant and machinery does not exceed Rs. 25 Lakh. (2) A small enterprise is an enterprise where the investment in plant and machinery is more than Rs. 25 Lakh but does not exceed Rs. 5 crores; (3) A medium enterprise is an enterprise where the investment in plant and machinery is more than Rs. 5 crore but does not exceed Rs. 10 crores.

The number of industries coming under the purview of this sector is a whopping 5.77 crores. They constitute around 90% of the nation’s employment in the decentralized mode of production and service and trading practices. But to a great misfortune, our, this industry which has the capacity to transform the nation’s destiny has been derogatorily underestimated and has never been allowed to open up its wings to their full length. Since our independence period, a lot of focus has been made on the corporate sector while our, this important and crucial x-factor remains hidden and latent just like an oblivious one.

Though various schemes like set up of Khadi and Village Industrices Commission(KVIC) and Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Program (PMEGP) has helped the industries but still, it never got the due attention it deserved and hence today we need to induce a change in the overall structure of our economy development in order to introduce these MSMEs into the mainstream.

The first step towards their inclusion in the main industrial stream would be to kick start reforms so as to delete the red tapes which circumscribe the progress as well as commencement of this industry. Entrepreneurs in this area must be inspired and business as well as relations with the government must the made easy as well as fruitful for this industry.

The second thing to be done is to establish effective dialogue and partnerships between the stakeholders into implementation of the supportive schemes in order to unravel the difficult processes involved in the industry.

The third thing is to implement policies rather than flogging them up. Till now, lots of policies and reforms exist on paper but are not being implemented in actuality. Hence execution of such schemes must be improved in order to remove the discrepancies from the whole procedure.

Now, it’s the high time to induce strategic cross cutting reforms in order to help our industry which gives occupation to around 90% of our youth, otherwise we would never be able to move ahead in terms of economy, progress as well as employment….


Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Indian Inc. and the road ahead.....

In the utopian society, we might live in a society boasting of equality and equitable distribution of resources but in the actuality, things are far from being ideal and as per the world of our dreams. If we talk about the true state of the world with utmost veracity, a harsh and appalling truth awaits us all.
To understand the real structure of the world as a whole economically, first we need to be very much clear about the basic underlying principles of economics regarding the same. In our geographical world, two different imaginary world exists, one consisting of the first world countries comprising of developed nations like the United States of America, the Great Britain and most of the western Europe and on the contrasting side stands the third world countries, the developing ones consisting mostly of Asian countries with much less amenities and growth as compared to the first world countries. The developing countries are indeed the under-developed ones who have been given this name as a sort of inspiration that they too can sprang upon and soar high in development but still the bitter truth is that such countries are pretty much far away from gaining the tag of a developed nation and calling an underdeveloped nation a developing ones does no sort of help rather than just playing with the names…..
Our nation India is a developing country too (the best part of it being that it has far outshone the status of being an underdeveloped ones and is now working hand in hand with the biggest economies of the world). We have been independent for around 69 years now and the progress that we have marked up till now is surely extraordinarily great. After being left with almost nothing after the Britishers went away, the type of advancements that we have achieved are truly exceptional and we have come far away from being an underdeveloped nation but the crux of the situation is that we need to go a long way from now to reach the status of a developed economy. In my this article, I would like to point out some grounds on which we have not been able to progress heavily but my sole intent is just to focus on such issues for the best of the nation. I am not criticizing any government and also my intent is not to compare our nation with the US or the UK because I know it pretty well that we have been independent for only 69 years while on the other hand the US has been independent for around 240 years and the UK is nation where the sun never used to set down. I am going to primarily focus on the key issues where we lag just to encourage the people of the nation to come ahead and rather than playing a blame game on government, authorities or any other institution; change the destiny of the nation themselves.
India, after independence embarked on the five year plans policy but unfortunately the growth rates in the five years plans have been somewhat dismal. This is because out of all the eleven five year plans (currently we are in the twelfth (2012-2017)) only first, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth have achieved the targeted growth while the rest have failed to get the desired results. Now, some more harsh truths come in the form of the actual progress that we have done. Today life expectancy in India stands at 64 years for males and 67 years for females while dismally in our neighbouring states like People’s Republic of China the figures amount to a life expectance of 72 years, more than ten years than that of ours. This was a short dekko at the health sector now moving on to the economic growth, according to Tendulkar committee report, 37% of our population is living below poverty line with around 302 million people bearing the brunt of poverty, the GDP too is not that much satisfactory. Today US enjoy a GDP(Gross Domestic Product) of 16.77 trillion, China stands firmly at 9.24 trillion while we are just 1.877 trillion GDP economy which stands roughly at one ninth of China. Other aspects like the GDP per capita, the quality of life, ease of business doing, and the education statistics, vociferously show that we have a long way to go ahead and our progress till now is not, by any standard, satisfactory for years to come.
Now rather than focusing on problems and giving redundant statistics which you might already know, it is more crucial to focus on the real remedy. The first and foremost thing to be done is to modernize our industrial sector. Though a lot of our companies have made remarkable progress globally but still the ease of doing business in our nation is poor. According to World Bank statistics on efficiency of doing business we ranked 142 among a total of 189 countries. The statistics clearly elucidate our current status. Though the Modi government has made a humongous progress by reducing the red tapes and also commencing great programs like “Make in India” in order to convert India into a global manufacturing hub but still a tremendous amount of work must be done. It is immensely pleasurable that the new government has made a lot of advances in the field, with Mr. Modi bringing so many investments to our nation from foreign heavyweight companies but still a great deal of work is prerequisite for us to stand up and rise as a global destination.
Talking about the poverty, in this respect a lot still need to be done in order to accomplish a considerable progress in the field. Our nation had more than half of the population below poverty line at the time of independence and today 37% population is below the infamous line, so this progress is truly exemplary but still a lot can be done. The money shelled out by the top leadership in order to revamp the conditions of poor is lost before reaching the hands of the paupers. Various other schemes are never executed because of the corruption ranging from alpha to omega of the bureaucracy, thus disabling so many honest attempts by the government and hence today we have a need to make our procedures transparent. More transparency would bear a more honest state and consequently corruption would start ending up. The new technology can be used up for the same. For example, earlier the tenders distributed by the government bore huge corruption in the selection of companies, but now as the whole process is being made computerized and the draws and selections are being made online, are leaving no space for even a speck of corruption, thereby producing paradigm results, such processes can be inculcated in the system so as to engender a better and more transparent nation where the impoverished are given the fair attention that they deserve.
Moving on to the health sector, we need to strike at the bottom. First of all, we need to have more and better quality colleges and institutions to foster the growing India’s demand of a better healthcare sector. Medical schools need to be developed and corruption here must also be checked. It’s a well known fact that seats for medical colleges are sold out for lakhs of rupees and the candidates who actually deserve the seats are made devoid of them, this things produces unworthy healthcare experts thus devastating everything that ensues further. If we stop such practices, more and more worthy candidates could come and thus give us better health amenities. Moreover, the numbers of hospitals, medical colleges need to be increased to a great extent. India current has around 2.7 hospital beds for 1000 people. This ratio is much lower than the ration recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). Our flagship hospitals AIIMS are very much limited and hence not able to render services for the world’s second largest population and hence today is high time we take necessary steps in order to induce reforms.
Our education system too needs to be refurbished. Lack of awareness among people still leads to low enrollment ratio thus giving boosting malpractices like child labor etc. Such things need to be dealt with seriously. Today we need to harness the growing working population in the right manner. We have so much people in the working population category that other nations must be envious of us but our success would only depend on the way we manipulate them all to get the best benefits in order to take the society forward. Programs like “Skill India” are of great importance but still for extraordinary results and splendid performance we need to erect a good executionary structure which would execute the plan in the paragon manner.  
Our industry as a whole needs to be revamped. It’s surely not a single day work but could go on for decades but still the best part is we are working on it, we are trying for the same. But to make these efforts as much efficacious as we want, every Indian denizen must come ahead and give full support then only this great nation would survive to the fullest.


Thursday, 14 April 2016

When you don't even have the chance to try again....

Let me tell you one thing, sometimes when the defeat becomes inevitable and you are defeated so much badly that you can't stand up, believe me its the most difficult time of your life. Sometimes no matter how much hard you try yourself, no matter how much hard you try to change the course of history, but sometimes your opponent would snatch away the victory and you would end up with nothing except crying. In any such situation, many a times there is a choice to try again but most of the time, some are not even given the privilege to learn from their mistakes and hence have to quit. In various motivational videos, poems, writings etc. you might confront numerous of messages giving you goosebumps and acting as wonderful boosters but you know what things are not as easy as them. In my previous blogs too, I wrote so many fancy lines that just get up try and try but most of the times, you don't even get the chance to try. No matter how much you try, you fail and most unfortunately, you don't even get the chance or opportunity to try again.
In such situations, I would just say, things are out of your reach. Sometimes no matter what you do, you are bound to fail as none in the world can get each and everything. In such times, no one can help you, you will get upset, curse life and yourself but such disastrous situations are the situations that no person other than you can face them. None of us can get everything we want, and at last no matter how much resolute you are, you have to tell it to yourself because, life is not a very fair game in which you keep winning every times. Some defeats come and shatter you up, reiterating the fact in your mind that you are still a human beings.

When you face such things, I would say just, tell yourself this too shall pass. Though I know whenever the magnitude of loss is so much high, its nearly impossible to just say this statement but you have no option buddy. You have to. Many people can ask you to try again, but what if you don't even get the opportunity to try again and such things are the worst when you don't have the resources to try again and at last in such situations, you have to tell yourself, no matter how much bad your time is, one day it will pass and something good which is yet to approach your life would take the place of dismay and vexing.........

Sunday, 10 April 2016

Things you can't change in life.....

Here comes the concept that life is unfair. You must have seen some individuals who have always been better at so many things from the very beginning. What the hell they did in their mother's womb that they were born with greatness? Richard Feynman, the great scientist is one such example. Though I am one of the biggest fan of this great Nobel Prize winner who changed the Quantum Mechanics for the whole world but today I feel jealous of him. I came to know that just at the age of 12, he himself derived various formulas. At such a tender age, when children don't even know the meaning of trigonometry, he derives formulas for multiple angles all by himself and that too in a much easier fashion than what was described in the text books. A guy of 12 or so doing such things is not normal and this is truly a gifted thing, we just can't change things, we have to accept them the way they are. You can't stand up and ask anybody, what did Feynman do in order to be so great and why I have not been like him and that's why I said that life is truly unfair. There have been so many people who work so much hard, but still they can't reach the level of Feynman who solved calculus problems at the age of 13 (this is again a great aberration). Moving on let's take some more examples. Ramanujan at just the age of 14, commenced pure mathematical analysis which is far more difficult to be done even by the talented college individuals. His works even today have still not been proved (the results which he proved way years back). How would you account for his this brilliance? Was it something that he achieve or was it something he was given by birth. I would go with the latter because it is very difficult for me to believe that a child of just fourteen, could start mathematical analysis.
History is plagued with such examples where some individuals have been gifted by birth while some others who worked hard day and night in order to achieve greatness but failed in their attempts. There have been so many great rulers, chiefs, academicians who worked hard to win and become great but despite of so many persistent efforts, everything proved to be futile and today we don’t even know them. Life is certainly unfair to some and very much fair to some and it all depends on your luck. We all can expand our horizons only to a predestined extent and after that everything has been premeditated for all of us and now I believe that there is hardly any scope for people to move beyond such level.
Let’s take the example of Eklavya, from Mahabharata, the greatest Indian epic. First he could not get the teacher he wanted (Acharya Dron). But this guy never left hope and just erected a small sculpture of Acharya Dhron and started practicing in front of the sculpture with great persistence, motivation and a humongous desire to be the best warrior. When Acharya Dron came to know of the incident and also realized that he could even surpass and outshine Dron’s best student Arjun, Dron talked to Eklavya and said that as you have considered me your teacher you have to render me service and when Eklavya asked what he could do for his teacher,Dron demanded Eklavya’s thumb so that he could not use the bow again. And as Eklavya highly revered his teacher, sans any agitation or dismay he cut his thumb. Now you tell me, when Eklavya had the potential to become the greatest archer in the world, why such a thing happened to him. When his persistence had even scared one of the biggest teachers of history, why wasn’t he allowed to achieve greatness. People say that we all get what we deserve and God always helps us in the way. Now just tell me what was Eklavya’s fault and where was our God while all such things were happening. Krishna did so much cheating in the favour of Arjun in Mahabharat but could not even do one justified thing for Eklavya. One word that mention the whole situation here would be “ridiculous” and at last what this incident proves is that many a times you have to fail, not because of your own faults but just because that your rival got uncanny support from so many things which never worked for you and in such times you have to accept defeat. You have to accept the fact that some things in life are inevitable and you just can’t move past them, you just can’t move beyond them. You have to accept that some things are not destined for you, no matter how much hard you train, you have to accept it.

Solution to the problem: Though I have written so much about the problem but remorsefully I have no solution to this problem. No matter how much you try, but still some goals elude you and some other people who got the best trainers, best teachers, best things win, not because they work harder but just because they have better things than you. (Some people might use such things as an excuse of not working hard and this post is seriously not for them and for those who are really stuck in such a problem I would just say I know you are dejected and vexed but I am sorry, I just can’t help)……………..

Jai Hind, Jai Bharat

     Jai Ma Bharti