Sunday, 15 November 2015

India, indeed a tolerant nation....

Yesterday only we talked about "the futile issue of intolerance" that the opposition as well as certain anti-social elements of the nation and recently only our nation pasted a humongous proof of being tolerance to all the religion, beliefs and minds. Dalai Lama gave a statement quoting that the results of elections in Bihar clearly show that Hindus still believe in peace. Not going much deeper into the obvious meaning of Dalai Lama's indirect criticism again the BJP but I would to focus more on the tolerance part. Just see the tolerance of our nation that even refuges who are barred from entering their own nation who have got shelter in India can freely and independently express their beliefs against the ruling party of the nation and the nation doesn't become intolerant. This is indeed a paradigm example of how tolerant we are not only to Indians but also to those who have taken shelter in our nation and I suppose nothing can be a bigger example of our tolerance.


Saturday, 14 November 2015

Intolerance-A futile issue...

After some incidents regarding the beef ban etc. in the nation, a behemoth issue of “Intolerance” sprang up into prominence and that too for no reason. As the NDA government is moving ahead with its development policies and success agenda, various opposition parties are feeling the animosity towards the huge success that the NDA government has acquired and this fact is evident from all the recent activities in which the opposition has plunged.

Indian National Congress chief marched to President’s house to ask him to enforce the quintessential and necessary constitutional powers in order to manage the “intolerance” in the nation. Indeed, it looks like a joke, that the opposition without any reason is disturbing the President to enforce presidential rule type situation in the nation. Emergency in the nation is not a small thing which would be imposed in the nation without any cause or reason. It’s actually a matter of grave gravity which is not made just to satiate the envy and anger the opposition feel towards the grand success that NDA government has acquired on its internal as well as external policy.

The opposition also voiced various other unnecessary instances just to prove that Mr. Modi’s visit to United Kingdom was of no use to the nation and that Mr. Modi tries to show up his own significance in other nations rather than doing anything for the nation. All such claims are actually baseless and came out in vain because after such a huge welcome of an Indian Prime Minister in a nation who had clamped us all in the shackles of slavery for around 200 years is actually marvelous and actually the way Mr. Narendra Modi was welcomed by the British Queen Elizabeth II clearly signifies the position we hold in the world contemporarily and moreover the huge gathering of the mob at Wembley stadium just to get a glimpse of Mr. Modi is not just a matter of pride for Mr. Modi but its indeed a matter of pride for our whole nation.

Now coming back to the topic of intolerance towards other religion let me tell you all, that its just a tool that is being used against the development strategy of the nation. At a time when the whole nation must be united as we are all witnessing the foundation of programs like Make in India etc. which would further help us country get up to transform itself from a developing to a developed nation, some people are just trying to divert the nation towards some insignificant trifles which have always hampered the nation from moving ahead. India, from the very beginning has been a nation of all religions, castes and sects and that’s why there exists no Hindu India, no Muslim India, no Sikh India, no Christian India, but only one India which is the Republic of India, which stands as one of the biggest secular nations of the whole world. We stand up as world’s biggest democracy where everyone has the right to chose their rulers, here we have the best facilities for people from all the religion, no matter whether they are in majority or minority. Here only we had a Sikh Prime Minister and a Muslim President, so how can anyone even call our nation as an intolerant one.

In such a huge nation like India, there can be many small issues but that doesn’t mean that we would try to defame our nation. Basically the reason why we could never progress is not the policies of governments etc. but actually such a mindset of some anti-social elements who give rise to matters like “intolerance”. Our opposition is currently talking about the matter of intolerance, so who would answer about the Sikh Riots in which so many innocent Sikhs were slayed down and burnt to death just because they were Sikhs. Today when the whole nation must focus on moving ahead in terms of technology and industry, it’s a shame that our opposition as well as some conservative anti-social elements of our society are dragging us back to the same level from where we commenced our journey. Recently so many writers and artists gave back the honors which they had got from the national government. Isn’t that a ridiculous act? From when did the purest form of humanity i.e. art, started indulging in this dirty politics and if the artists and writers had actually felt something bad emerging out in the nation, they could have talked to the concerned government and could have voiced their concerns on the issue. What’s the matter to give back the honors we get publicly just to vandalize the image of our nation! Mahatma Gandhi didn’t give back his barrister degree in order to protest against the British rule in India and the people who had actually indulged in such activities must have thought about is gravely before doing anything like that because such things prove nothing but sabotaging and slandering the perception that the world has about India’s promising future and its diversity in various cultures etc.


Today India needs support of every Indian. Now, it depends on us whether we want to blindly become a sheep and follow the futile policy of conservatism and just defame each other, or we move ahead, crashing past each and every stigma and evil of our society moving beyond our weaknesses and carve out a new and powerful nation…….




Wednesday, 11 November 2015


Today the whole nation celebrates the much awaited festival of Diwali. The festival of lights and happiness, the festival which marks the inevitable win of truth and veracity over the falsehood. May Lord Ganesha and Goddess Laxmi shower you all with happiness, joy, merriment and love. May all the hindrances which continue to impede your progress vanish away from your life and may you always live a wealthy, robust and prosperous life. Wishing you all a very Happy Diwali. May God bless you.


Monday, 26 October 2015

Exceptional or mundane.....

Whenever you go on to do something great, something that nobody has ever seen before, something that nobody has ever imagined before, you would face opposition. In life whenever you set out for a journey, you would find pebbles, rocks and even great hindrances on the road but my friend if your will is strong enough to win, to move past harder, to cut through any circumstance then only you are worthy of being called a winner. A boat which fear waves can never clear the ocean. So, if you just don't love what you do more than anything else, if you don't love what you do more than you love breathing, if you don't love what you do more than you love partying, dancing, watching movies, just leave the work because you are surely not made for that. If being exceptional would have been an easy affair, everybody would have managed to do that and then even being exceptional would have become mundane. To be exceptional you have to be different. 
 For example whenever wars are fought, there are millions of soldiers but only one king, and interesting each and every soldier is ready to sacrifice his life for the king and the kingdom. Do you know why? Because they know the kind has something in him which makes him different, if the king would have been of same mettle as that of the soldiers, the soldiers would have killed the king and would have usurped the whole of the kingdom. 
Now the choice is on you, whether you would like to be a simple soldier who can battle one opponent at his level best or the king who can cut through an army of opponent without bearing even a single wound.
And remember that in the end the posterity only remembers the king individually.
So the choice remains yours......


Wednesday, 14 October 2015


In life many a times when we have studied about something a lot, or we have researched about something a lot we start taking things for granted, we start considering that thing a child's play and we stop practicing the topic more. We just jump on the conclusion that defeating us on that topic is something impossible and our winning is actually inevitable. But suddenly an unprecedented thing occurs, a simple minute thing in that topic only, beats us to the ground, making us feel ashamed over our faux pas and at last nothing is left but regret and humiliation in front of others.
That's why its pretty necessary to not take things for granted and if it is about your forte then never even think of taking a chance because one single mistake of yours can land you into an emotional as well as many other disasters because the pain and plight of being defeated at the thing in which you consider yourself "the best" surpasses all other type of pains.
Imagine if you are one of the best national sports player and you went to play with countryside boys and they just stump you out in the first blow only. Though it would certainly not be measure of your talent as a whole, but still this thing would be a huge lashing blow to your heart. The thing which you consider as your innate talent, would be the one in which you are defeated severely and nothing gives as much pain as this thing.
So remember even when you go out to hunt a feeble wolf take the weapons needed to poach the lion. Even if you attempt a small thing do it with full dedication because no matter how much great players you are but if you are stumped out by small boys, you would be considered as a just a show off person and most importantly if you win one time, its your responsibility to win the next time because if you lose the next time, people would call you victory as something pertinent to your luck rather than being related to your own work, talent and greatness. So from now on, just infuse this thing in your mind that nothing is small no matter how big you become....


Tuesday, 13 October 2015


In life many a times we stop being good because just because of our being good, people have exploited us to the hilt, just because of us not being selfish the whole world considered us fool, but my friend let my tell you that if today you stop being good the evil powers of the world will win over spirituality.

Today the world needs goodness. We all have become so much entangled in our lives, money and other commodities have become so much crucial and important that we have stopped being good. Greed, selfishness and indifference to other's plight has completely restrained our inner heart from doing anything good to others. And even if we try to be good and helpful, many events would occur which would make us believe that being good and nice to people is just a waste of time but let me tell you that you are wrong. In this world when you try to do something good, first the whole world would conspire to stop you from doing it but when you surpass all the odds and when you beat them all down, the same world would conspire to help you do what you want. Darkness can't remove darkness, hatred can't slay down hate, but only light can debilitate darkness and only love can communicate peace and prosperity and hence today the world needs loving and good people, who live for others. Its pretty easy living just for yourself but it really takes a beating to live for others, to help others move forward in life and this is what makes the difference. You can easily opt out to be bad, selfish and mean and you would face no problem, but actual enjoyment lies in doing something remarkable, in doing something which others people you can't and hence never stop being good, never stop helping others, never stop being compassionate, never stop spreading love and never stop living life.....


Sunday, 11 October 2015


Many a times in our life we come to believe that our whole life is worthless, the in-toto period of time that we all have spent on this earth has been completely futile. Many a times, when bad luck strikes us up, no matter how much we try but we fail, no matter how much we try to change things up, at last we just end up deteriorating things even worse than they were before; we come to believe that we are actually worthless, but my friend let me tell you, you are special, you are unique and you are the only person who can do, what you are born to do.

God and luck have their own ways of testing our perseverance. Through a large pool of people, a selection has to be done, on who among, so many contenders would emerge out as the winner and let me tell you the only quality that separates a looser from a winner, a leader from a follower is patient. Bad times will certainly thrash you hard and the pain would throb you up all around, but if you are still relentless victory will kiss you up.

Patience is the key to everything. We all are good at something, in fact exceptional at a particular work, but see only one amongst us all is called the "greatest". Millions of people play tennis but still we have only one Roger Federer, million swim, but still Michael Phelps is the legend, millions of boxers have got to the bout but still Mohammad Ali has been the only one. What separates them from others is their passion and relentlessness.

Just listen to me carefully, if you are made to do something and you are not happy with it, if your parents, peers, teachers are forcing you up to practice something and you are not willing at it, just go away abandon it up because you will never be the best in that field. To be the best, you have to take up a very long fight, in which you need patience. Things don't happen at once by themselves, you will fail and fail and fail and then when even the failure would have saturated then the victory will approach you and for such a long term of failure and disappointment you need to have patience as those who lack patience will forsake everything in the first failure itself. Edison invented bulb after around hundred failed attempts, if he wouldn't have been that much passionate and mad about his work, he might have left it up in second or may be third attempt like most of us do and history would have given this credit to some other scientist. Remember, you "start" becoming great, when people start saying that you are mad at something. Albert Einstein once said, "Its not that I am smarter than you, I just stick to my problems for longer". This shows how much passionate he was regarding the questions he faced and that's why he has been the world's most significant physicist ever lived. You have to be mad at something to become great at it because billions of people are running before greatness and to slay all of them down and win is something that requires great passion and patience.

So next time you face a defeat, don't be impatient to leave it all or curse you luck; rather than doing that start it all over again, and as many times you fail, commence it all again and once you will win. One day everything would become clear and you would be a master at it, because you are born to be phenomenal not mediocre.


Monday, 31 August 2015

The mind is not a vessel to be filled but is a fire to be kindled.

The world is indeed replenished with immense creativity and charm and the human mind must never be restrained from imbibing it all. A famous Greek Scholar Plutarch once quoted, “The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled” and in all proportions, this aphorism stands justified. 

The human mind is actually born to be great, not to run behind mediocrity, not to engage in trifles, not to think about worthless thing. It is a phenomenal machine that’s completely unique to the 7 billion people around the globe. Greatness is not any esoteric or elusive idea, that exists in just a few gifted individuals, but it actually subsists itself in the minds of us all and mind is also no less than any great elixir that has been allocated to the mankind. Our brain is the most robust weapon that we all have. 

Each and every time we are thinking about things, our mind goes on making new connection. It keeps adding on everything we are pondering on, it is the biggest storehouse of information around the world. Our mind is actually limitless. Its powers and brawniness is boundless. A normal human being uses only 10% of their brain but still goes on doing exceptional feats that nobody else could ever has even imagined.Our mind is in actually a forte that make us great. Our mind is unique in the whole world that’s why each and every single person existing on earth has different views regarding different matters, our mind decides whether the cup is half full or half empty, it all resides in our mind and hence mind can’t be quoted as an uncomplicated vessel but is only comparable to the burning fire that can burn all the hindrances and impediments in its ways in order to rise up ahead to the summit and be great.

The biggest problem with us all is the we let this fire being drowned out. Steve Jobs once said that we start taking things for granted because we are told that the world in which we are born is the way it is and we can’t do anything to change the world. Many of us therefore let this fire die. We just force ourselves to lose our greatness. Just look at a seven year old child. If you give him a toy, he would play with it and then would have a strong tendency to break the toy open in order to see how it actually world, this shows the child’s exceptional curiosity while on the other hand, as we grow older we just lose our curiosity, which is  actually the mother of change. Our so-called routines and our world have made this fire to be blown out. We have ourselves put on our mind so many restraints and hindrances on our mind that we are forcing it to just stop down.
Einstein once gave a very beautiful adage. He said,  “The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reasons for existing”. In this quote he is utmost right in all propositions. Our curiosity is something that makes us. We are good at things only about which we are curious, which we just lag out on things in which we are disinterested. Whenever the fire of curiosity vanishes out from our mind, we just stop thinking about things and when we stop thinking about them, we are nowhere in them. As we move on to the ladder of life, we transform this great fire of curiosity in actually a vessel in which we just fill, what the world wants us to fill and hence we just rush towards mediocrity. We all carry in our head this ingenious gift of God, but still history only reveres a few people. What separates us all is whether we slay that fire down or we stop it from being blown out and that’s what makes the complete difference. We are actually a product of our ideas, our beliefs and our curiosity. We all respect Einstein as the greatest scientist the world has ever seen but he himself said, “I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious. I have no special ability; I just stick to my problems for a little longer”.  

Human mind is indeed the greatest fire that if kindled well could lead us to greatness, far beyond measure. Our deepest fears are not that we are powerless but our deepest fears are that we are powerful beyond measure. Our deepest worry is not that we have no strength but it is actually that we have immense strength. It all depends on maintaining the fire and strengths. No doubt we would face innumerable challenges, no doubt we would be dashed down to the ground. This world is actually not about rainbows and sunshine, the world is a nasty place that will beat you down to your knees. No matter how tough or great you are the world will beat you down and will let you permanently stick to ground if you let it to. We all may face problems, really big troubles but it is all about who never lets the fire to be blown about.  The human mind is actually a great fire which if kindled correctly could change the whole world and if made into a vessel may just die away in oblivion. 

The winners are actually those who don’t let this fire to go away and as Paulo Coelho, the famous Brazilian author has quoted, “Whenever we put our mind in something, whenever we dissolve away our fears, thoughts and memories about other things and concentrate on one particular thing, whenever we want something actually by mind and heart, believe me the whole world will conspire to help you achieve that thing….”


Friday, 14 August 2015

Love what you do...

Whenever you dedicate your life to something better or greater than what you have contemporarily, you are actually asking the forces of the world to combine up to fillip you up and help you go out and rock the world. 

Mark Twain once said," The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why." Its true that you only cling up to the things you really love, you actually never let such things go away out from you and you can only become great at something only when you are insane towards it, when you love it more than you love to be with your friends, your spouse, more than you love to play, sleep and laugh. Most of the people are not successful because they are actually slaying down their own dreams. See, its necessary to bear pain to be successful, if you don't actually like something and when you want to move ahead in that thing, there comes a time full of hardship and then you would just go away leaving all the things because you have never actually liked that thing and only those who cling on to things till their last breath are the actual ones who succeed. So let me give you a wonderful advice in life, if you don't like doing something, leave it up now, abandon it today because someday you have to leave it and why to waste your time doing a boring thing till reaching that day. All those great people are so much big because they actually love what they do and they continue to do the same for whole of their life, in fact they were actually made to do that only. Usain Bolt was just made to run, Michael Phelps to swim, Muhammad Ali to fight and these people have actually done the things they were destined to and that's why they are considered greats.

 So my friends, leave the things, you are forced to do in life, they will take you nowhere than committing a personal spiritual suicide and if you actually want to become great, find the thing which actually doesn't let you sleep, eat or play as you are so much indulged in it....

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Patience is a must..

Winning is not just a one factor shot. Numerous of factors must be set right to crush your opponents and snatch the victory out. 

Let me tell you a short story about the 1980 Olympic Gold Medal winning Ice Hockey Team's coach Herbert Paul Brooks, also known as Herb Brooks. Herb was himself an American hockey player who was even taken into the team of 1960 Olympics, but just one day before the team was to leave for the Olympics, the coach at that time ousted Brooks and included some other player. Brooks watched the whole tournament with his father and at last when the American team won the Gold Medal, Brook's father taunted him by saying, "I believe the coach send the right person out." This actually torn him into pieces, his heart was shattered from inside, but he never lost hope. In the year 1980, he was chosen as the national coach for the Olympic team. At that time too the Soviets and Americans were at a cold war in the game too but the only difference was that the American team consisted of just college studying students of average age of 21 and Soviets comprised of world's biggest players and had won Gold medals in consecutive four previous Olympics, but Brooks knew that this was high last chance. He had waited for 20 years and now he just can't accept defeat. The team, miraculously reached the final stage of the game and was to compete against the Soviet Union's team. Everybody was just thinking what would happen next, suddenly Brooks entered the dressing room and said, " I am tired of listening that the Soviets are the biggest hockey players in the world, they had their own time and now its your turn, and eventually the team went on to win the gold medal in the 1980 Olympics.

The thing on which I am trying to focus through Brooks example is his great patience. The man waited for around 20 years to prove to the nation that he loved hockey more than anybody else and even if he would have gone, the team would have won the medal in the 1960. Brooks waited for 20 years rather than losing his patience and cursing the world for being cruel to him. 

Blaming others is a pure work of cowards. You only get what you deserve. If today you are not a billionaire, its just because you don't deserve to be one now, but you can surely change the things, you are not a coward, you are better than that. Just go ahead and get what you want, the world will follow on its own...........

Monday, 10 August 2015

Desire to win is more important than winning itself.

In my previous blogs I have already written a couple of times that to win you must fail. But let me tell you something important besides this fact. It doesn't always matter whether you win or lose but what matters most is whether you have the desire to win. Nobody has nothing to do with your failure, what actually matters is whether you still have the desire to persevere. Remember the tough gets going when the going gets tough. 
In this life everything is difficult just so that only the greats could make it through, you might lose a couple of times, you might face crushing defeat, no matter how much  hard you prepare but you must lose.
 Let me tell you the story of a boy. The boy started swimming and got good at it. He was pretty good but one day around the age of ten, he took part in a championship and lost. The boy broke down crying really hard, a swimming coach approached him and asked him, "what's the matter boy?'. He answered while crying, "I wanted to win and I had prepared really hard but I lost". The coach asked,"Do you wanna run away or give it another try?'. The boy suddenly blurted out,"One day I would win" and after just five years the boy went to Sydney Olympics in 2000 and after that in 2004, created his own swimming records. The boy was none other than Micheal Phelps, the legendary American swimmer and the coach was none other than Barry Bowman, Micheal's coach who coached him after this incident. 
When years later, Bowman was asked, what quality of Phelps propelled him to come ahead and train him. Bowman said,"It never mattered to me whether he won the race or not but something that mattered was that the desire to win was always there in his eyes." 
You too need the same thing to be phenomenal. Once you lose that desire to win and be great, you stop winning, you stop being great , you actually commit spiritual and mental suicide because you have stopped living your life. 
Abraham Lincoln lost more than half of the election he ever fought, he was even rejected for the post of a land officer, but he always had a desire to win, to try and try and try until the goal is reached. Martin Luther King Jr. once said,"If I can't run, I will walk; if I can't walk, I will crawl but I will, one day reach my goal." Great people are not those who always win but the ones who never leave the desire to win.

At last I would like to sum up with some beautiful words from Abraham Lincoln that "Success is going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm."

Friday, 7 August 2015

Connecting the dots..

In life, there are gonna be some times when bad things happen for no reason. You just say that, "I didn't do anything bad to someone else, why such things are only happening with me." But my friend let me tell you one single thing that you can't connect the dots looking forwards. Let me tell you about Steve Jobs. Being a stubborn child, he compelled his parents to send him to Reed College, which was one of the most expensive colleges in United States in the 1970s. But after just six months, Jobs dropped out citing that he didn't "enjoy" the course in which he was enrolled. His parents had, till then shelled out all of their savings on his tuition fees and he just blatantly dropped out. For many months he was homeless and had to sleep in the dorm rooms of his friends, he didn't even have money to buy food for himself and he was in complete despair. But at that time Reed College also offered one of the finest calligraphy courses in the whole of United States and Steve dropped in Calligraphy course. At that that he didn't know why he was doing all these stuff, but around a decade later when Apple computers were designed, Steve was the one who came up with the idea of introducing beautiful fonts in the computer, that the world is currently using.
 By this story I just mean to tell you that in your life things happen for a reason. No matter how much pain you feel when they happen to you,  just don't lose you calm. This whole universe's destiny is predestined. Some things are actually out of our control, but believe me that behind everything there is a great reason which we might rejoice in the next couple of months or years. One day we all would certainly look backward to all such things and connect the dots and I bet you would laugh at it and thank the God for doing such things with you. Just don't lose your patients. You will at last unravel the whole mystery, but just wait to be able to connect the dots.....

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Be phenomenal....

Just take a look around the people around you. Do you know why they are not super rich, super phenomenal, super exception? This is because they ran for mediocrity, but let me tell you, you are not made for mediocrity, you are not made to settle down for less because you are made to be phenomenal. Psychologists have discovered that whatever the mind can conceive, it can achieve, its simple as that. Before your dreams come true, you have to code it into your mind that its possible and if you can imaging the future, if you can see the future before even the God creates it, if you can see yourself achieving greatness, before others can even get a whiff of it, then only you would become successful. Just listen to me, you are already in pain, because your life is not good. If you are happy with your life then don't read ahead, but if you still have that appetite to achieve greatness carry on. I bet there would be times when you would feel betrayed but let me tell if, if I try 1000 times and fail all the time, I would surely feel bad but if I try again, and again and again there is still a chance that one day by luck or by hard work or any other means I will make it through but if I stop today, is there any chance that I could ever get up. Listen you are already in pain, you are not happy because you are not having the things you need, not happy because you are not pursuing so don't let this pain just flow away but in fact use this pain to take you to the next level. So, no matter even the whole world stands against you but I can bet, if you really want it by heart, if you really want it as bad as you want to breathe, the whole world will conspire to hatch a plan to help you achieve your love. Always have an appetite for success. Be hungry, Be ahead, Be Phenomenal, because you are born to be so.........

Monday, 3 August 2015

Life is cruel...

In your life there will be times when you will be deceived. When those whom you trust more than anything will be the ones who will make you fall and the once whom you hate would prove to be the actual ones who could help you get up.But always keep in mind that when the going gets tough the tough gets going. Each one of us exist today in this humongous world for a unique reason, you too have something unique in yourself so rather than moaning and complaining about things, you better move on and change everything. Greatness is not an elusive quality that only special amongst us bear, its something that is produced. Talent is natural but skill is developed only by beating at your craft day and night, by wanting success more than you want to live. You yourself are one of a kind and believe me there would be hard times in your life no matter how tough you are. You would cry, weep, want to die, but keep in mind one thing, there is no happiness in gaining success if it is not hard to get. If it would have been easy, everybody, each one of your colleague, friend, classmates would have been successful. Nobody said it would be easy but yes I bet it would be worth it. You are chosen for a special reason, a special craft.
              Go Get It, and Never Take Any Day Off...
                                                                       JAI HIND, JAI BHARAT
                                                                                  JAI MA BHARTI

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Unleash your inner power......

The world has never been an easy and beautiful place to live. Life will always beat you down to your knees no matter how tough, or great or genius you are. In fact, victory would become worthless if it is attained without any challenges. So move forwards, you are the creator of your destiny, go and change it all because your life has values. Just practice your craft as much as you can. People get rewarded in public only for what they do for years in private. Geniuses are created not born. You too, yes you too have a genius in yourself, the difference is that you have not recognized it. Unleash yourself, kill the enemy without you and change it all, nor for anybody else but because you matter.


Monday, 27 July 2015

Life is too short...

“Don't let other people's opinions distort your reality. Someone else's opinion of you must never become your own reality....... Life is what you make it, it's too short to cry over past or to think about the future, live your present, learn from your past and create your future the way you want it to be, rather than how others expect it to be................

Friday, 29 May 2015

Failure is the key to success.

Those out there crying due to failure,
Listen to me,
You are indeed fortunate that thee,
Has got the chance to fail,
And only this failure can hail,
The shine of success one day,
Win is in itself incomplete,
If you have never failed,
If you have never been dashed to ground,
Your goal is certainly too short if you have not screamed a losing sound,
A boat which has never seen storm can never be sailed,
You can never achieve greatness if you have never failed,
Failure is an essential part of life,
Which tells you where you lack,
And when you will fight the big bout, it will support you from back,
You can live two types of life,
Either to live a life, where you have never failed,
And such a cautious life is worthless and not a life of fame,
Or you live a life where you learn from your defeat,
In which you prepare yourself in failure’s, criticism’s heat,
In this world nobody is perfect,
Behind those great wins, there are years of perspiring and thousands of days of practice and also failure,
You burst a stone not in a single blow,
But thousands of the previous unsuccessful blow pave the way two,
To learn to face the gale,
By failure, you have to be nailed..


Monday, 25 May 2015


After coming back from his much debated international “self-introspection” trip, Rahul Gandhi seems completely changed and transformed, but unfortunately not in a good manner. After being defeated at almost every front of the politics, not even becoming the opposition minister, he somewhat turned himself into a recluse politician but after coming from his trip he blatantly speaks against Narendra Modi and his government, but the problem is he himself doesn’t know what he says. He quotes completely rubbish facts and just beat about the bush about the Modi government. And as now he has not got any new fresh topic against Mr. Modi, he has resorted to just saying that Modi’s government is only the government of businessmen and not of poor people. He repeats this cliché in his speech much more times than he even breathe.

After hearing so much from Rahul Gandhi about the faults of NDA government I just browsed the facts and in just a few minutes, I found that all his claims stand quashed. In January 2014, when opinion polls signaling Modi’s victory were published out, Sensex was at around 21,140 points. Since then Sensex has risen around 32% while Adani Enterprises has risen to about 190% but it would be completely tomfoolery to look on to just one company (the act which Rahul Gandhi performed). If we look on to some bigger enterprises, which are much bigger than the Adanis, we would find that they have also fallen to a much lower level. Reliance industries have just risen by only 1% since the start of the financial year 2014 and this proves the fact that Modi government doesn’t follow any policy of favoritism.

Mr. Modi is always accused by his antagonists that his government just revolves around Ambanis and Adanis but if we look at the trends of stock market since his becoming the Prime Minster, Ashok Leyland is up by 308%, Bharat forge is up by 278% and these certainly are not Modi’s cronies.

The gainers are certainly small to medium group companies. Bajaj finance (192%), Waterbase (320%), Global offshore (469%). All these facts clearly prove that Mr. Modi has not followed any policy of favoritism. In fact many businessmen complain of his being inaccessible to them many a times. And one more thing that I would like to add is that if business in a nation surges up, that means that the nation is succeeding on the economic front and it doesn’t mean that the government is favoring anyone. I hope that one day the opposition would surely unravel that Mr. Modi is just doing what they didn’t do in their own regime of a decade.


Wednesday, 20 May 2015

South Korea:A reliable partner...

Just as the Indian Prime Minister set his feet on the soil of South Korea, he started a new epoch of bilateral cooperation between two heavyweight nations of the world which is slated to become one of the best and biggest cooperation between any two nations.

Indeed Indian Prime Minister has made a very crucial decision to take up South Korea as one of his biggest priorities because there is hardly any other nation out there which can assist India and strike up a great partnership as much extensively as South Korea.

If we talk about the period of 1960s then South Korea was one of the poorest nations of the world but as the “Miracle of Han River” unfolded the world just saw this great nation with an open mouth and today India stands on the same side of the history. Though India’s condition today is still much better than the 1960’s South Korea but still we are still a long way behind the aims that we have in our mind.
Today South Korea has an overall trade of $18 billion USD with India which bilateral investments range to around $4 billion USD and around more than 450 Korean companies are completely well established in India. South Korea is now a champion in manufacturing industry. With world famous companies like Samsung, Hyundai and LG electronics it is hardly behind any other nation in terms of its manufacturing capability and as Mr. Modi wishes to transform India into a manufacturing hub, he can surely take assistance from South Korea. Moreover as South Korea has more than 85% of its total investments, in the manufacturing sector in India, this fact can be heavily exploited in order to help India see the success of “MAKE IN INDIA” campaign…. South Korea is also a master in vocation training and skill development programs and hence can be a great source of mentor for India which has just started out on this venture in order to produce a well-qualified workforce in the nation.
The other thing is “Digital India” program. South Korea can help our this program too immensely. Today South Korea is a completely tech-savvy nation with around 97% people having broadband connections and also having world’s highest number of internet subscribers and hence this nation can amount very significantly in filliping India’s “Digital India” program sans any doubt.

Mr. Modi’s third plan of smart cities can also find South Korea as a reliable partner because Songdo, world’s first smart city is in South Korea only. South Korea’s rich experience in maintenance and construction of smart cities can be certainly of huge benefit for India.

All in all we can’t find a better partner than South Korea if we want to move up and transform India into a vibrant country. Today we just need to focus on our ties with this wonderful nation and work for the best.


Sino-Indian relationship...

Though national as well as international media has hyped Mr. Modi’s China visit very much but still in reality, it is an incontrovertible fact that there still exist many grave and impending issues on which both the nations are at loggerheads.

Mr. Modi’s recent visit to China, though expected to mark a new commencement in the Sino-Indian issues but still the bitter and exposed truth is that both the nations lack the much needed thing i.e. trust between each other and hence with such a low and diminished level of reliability between the nations lucidly signal out a weak base of the relationship between the two nations. In his own speech Indian Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi clearly said that the lacunae of trust in between the two nations has held both the nations back from begetting a new beginning to rejuvenate and revive the Sino-Indian relationship. Various issues like that of Line of Actual Control (LAC), Tibet issues etc. still continue to mar the relationship between the two superpowers of the world.

In the decade of 1960s during which trust between both the nations was completely shattered, things were pretty different. China was no better than India. In fact in the year 1964 China had an overall GDP of 59 billion USD and India was not pretty much behind with a GDP of 57 billion USD but things started changing from 1967 when India’s GDP plunged to 51 billion USD and Chinese GDP shooted over to 79 billion USD and now according to current statistics China has an overall GDP of 9.24 trillion USD and India has a GDP of 1.877 trillion USD. China is now a superpower of the world and even India’s best friend Russia has started drifting towards China just like the rest of the world. With world’s greatest manufacturing industry as well as many other various factors, today China boasts of being a strong as well as well established nation while on the other hand India still needs to move a long way. Hence, understanding gap between the two nations can strictly hamper the progress of both the nations. If we continue to practice the old school thought of just managing things for name sake and leaving the disastrous topics to be dealt by the future generations, it would be nearly impossible for both the neighbors to succeed.

Today, the trust deficit between both the nations continue to act as the most prominent barriers hindering the success of Sino-Indian relationship and this was also evident from Indian Prime Minister’s speech in China in which he clearly said that the two nations can never move ahead with hatred in hearts against each other. The truth is that both India and China need each other. India is the biggest market for Chinese manufacturing industry in the whole world and hence China’s collapse is inevitable if India is not there while India too depends of China for various crucial things and hence as both the nations depend on each other so much, the trust deficit must be stifle reduced and lowered down to prevent the downfall of both the two emerging powers of the world.

Today India and China need to move ahead. Rather than just praising each other in media, we need to feel the same way in our heart too and then only a strict and effective change can be infused in the overall system in order to renovate the laggard relationship between the two nations.

Either we do it today or it will not happen at all. Today the choice lies in our hand. Both the nations need each other extensively and moreover the two share boundaries with each other. Therefore just snubbing the reality is not an option and now something must be done.



Friday, 24 April 2015

MOVE ON.....

Sometimes its better to let things go,

Rather than crying in vain,

Sometimes its better to move one,

Rather than moaning in pain,

Sometimes we must learn to let go,

Sometimes we must learn to live alone,

And accept that something which we have always loved has gone,

Sometimes its better to not peep in the past,

Sometimes its better to tell yourself that opportunities are still vast,

We all must one day lose everything with which we have been rewarded,

Tell yourself that it was nothing but that day of yours,

Sometimes to live happy in life,

We need to let go of thing that made our problems nil from rife,

Sometimes its better to cry out once rather lamenting day and night,

I know its hard but just try to stop your inner fight,

Just believe in God, he must have done it right,

Life has not ended without it,

Stop crying and living in bits,

When one door closes, many more open up,

Whatever is good for you must one day wear you up,

Just wait for the day when you get what you deserved,

Just hope and one day your life will be revered,

So move on today if you think it is right,

One day you will surely win that consciousness' fight....


Friday, 10 April 2015

Pakistan's true colour.

Pakistan has again shown its true colors to the world. On one hand, it shows its pseudo-penchant and alacrity to end terrorism around the world and on the other hand it has released one of the masterminds behind the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks.

Pakistan has indeed never wanted to put a halt of terrorism and has in actuality used it as an instrument of its policy. After being crushed to victory and being abashed in the world due to its vexing things, Pakistan could find solace in nothing except terrorism and hence it resorted to giving full support and assistance to terrorism in order to hurt other nations especially India. Today the whole Pakistani army is in itself nothing but a camp of terrorists, its intelligence agency ISI holds relation with the terrorist groups in Pakistan and even the whole government is afraid of being routed up if its speaks anything against the terror groups out there. After such things, we can very well fathom the actual condition of Pakistan. Pakistan is currently a safe haven for terrorists and this thing can be easily proved from the recent incident of bail of 26/11 mastermind Lakhvi.
Though there are complete and ample proofs against Lakhvi, in not only 26/11 Mumbar terror attacks but also in many other bombings but still Pakistani courts let this terrorist out quoting that the court lacked sufficient proofs to prove Lakhvi guilty.

Actually terrorism is rampant around the world just because of nations like Pakistan. When the whole world is afflicted with the terrorism named pest, Pakistan is using it as a measure to terrorize its neighbors. In fact, even Pakistan has not been able to come out unwounded. Recent Peshawar attack on an army school and many other bombings there prove the things, but still this nation wants to promote terrorism. Isn't this disgusting!! Despite of being wounded so many times, this nation still wants to use terrorism just as a measure to give pain to India. There are so many proofs today, that Pakistan in running terrorists camps to prepare terrorists against India, there are so many evidences that almost all of the terrorists attacks taking place in India are hatched out on the land of Pakistan but still Pakistan is using terrorism in order to terrorize India and amusingly after so many things, it comes back and complains that India is the one which doesn’t want to move further on issues through diplomatic talk. Isn't this something utterly unacceptable!

Today when the whole world is bearing pain afflicted by terrorism and on the other hand there are nations like Pakistan which are busy in promoting nasty things like Pakistan. Pakistan should be ashamed on itself and must stop using this detestable activity as an instrument of policy.



Thursday, 9 April 2015

Why is India lagging behind others??

Science is in itself a miracle. The thing that can create everything out of nothing and can make anything assimilate in nothing. It’s a marvelous thing that can transform anything from rags to riches, make a mother talk to his sitting miles away from her, make people sitting abroad see their families. But actually science is a creation of innovation, innovation comes when provided a stimulus and India gives everything to the budding generation except stimulus, thus killing their innovation, no innovation leaders to no invention at all and hence we still export brilliant students, scientists and doctors but lack them here in our country.

According to 2011-12 statistics, there is much to moan and lament about the condition of science in India. The United States of America and South Korea invested 2.76% and 4.04% of their GDP respectively in their R&D industry as compared to 0.88% spent on the R&D by India. If we look at purchasing power parity too, we lagged behind the world superpowers with whom we compare ourselves regularly. India invested $36.2 Billion whereas China, the United States and South Korea had invested $205.4 billion, $429.1 billion and $58.4 billion respectively in their scientific researches, and the results too are in front of us. Previously the US dominated the world's science, but its share of publication of scientific articles dropped from 26% to 21%. China's share rose from 4.4% to 10.2%. The UK's share declined from 7.1% to 6.5% of the world's papers.
Projecting beyond 2011, the Royal Society said that the landscape would change "dramatically". "China has already overtaken the UK as the second leading producer of research publications, but some time before 2020 it is expected to surpass the US.
Today one of the biggest problems with India is that we have failed at managing our money. In things like science, where investment is a must we focused least while on some petty issues we just disburse out a deluge of money. Even after so many years of independence we people are importing outdated American, French and Russian military equipments, machines, medicines etc. and amusingly these nations have even stopped using the artilleries which we are importing. Such an appalling condition is there with our nation and still we aim at being a super power in the world. If we take a glance at all the superpowers of the world, then actually they all are product of nothing but their scientific advancements.

Today we need to make a clear choice, whether we just want to build castles in the air or are we actually determined and tenacious to become a major world power. Today is the time to think.

Jai Hind, Jai Bharat
Jai Ma Bharti

Monday, 6 April 2015

Degrading environment...

Today, our Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi inaugurated a two day conference on environmental issues in Vigyan Bhawan, Delhi and during his speech there, he certainly gave an outright message to the whole world that rather than finding the problems with the system, we should rather focus on solving the ones which exist. “That is because the world is looking at peripheral issues. I have always said the root of the problem lies in changing our lifestyles, in moving away from consumerism. A higher degree of consumerism brings with it greater exploitation of nature. Till we focus on our lifestyles, we will not be able to deal with the problem effectively, despite our best efforts”, Mr. Modi added.
Actually the problem that has devastated the whole of mother earth is of attitude of people regarding the situation that we are facing. If we look on to the past statistics (of ancient India), then we would certainly observe that the problems which we are facing today like global warming, ozone layer depletion etc. never ever existed at that time. There are basically two reasons behind all the notorious transformation through which mother earth has undergone during past 100 years or so.

The first and foremost reason is of attitude. Though most of the activist groups do quote that people are not aware of the situation or about the current condition of but actually the problem lies in attitude, because even those who are well aware of the situation still make no efforts in order to assist mother earth out of the trouble in which it is in and that too just due to we people. If we look on the statistics around the world then disappointingly only 1% of Chinese people today breathe air that is considered “good” by the standards of European Union and from this figure we can surely infer the condition of the world currently. Previously we never encountered such problems because of the attitude only. Our forefathers considered mother earth as even more crucial than any other thing, even Gods and hence they worshipped earth more than anything thereby things like degradation of soil and deforestation but today the attitude of people is just nasty and they consider earth as nothing except something that must be destroyed and nothing else must be done to it and hence today humanity stands on the verge of biggest disaster that is day by day becoming inevitable.

The next thing is of technology. Today advancement and technology are the trademark of this century and flagship of mankind, but somebody has said it correctly that nothing is constant except change. Though we have surely changed, but change has not been complete. We changed things but we never found a substitute to them. We changed ourselves in terms of technology but never thought about environment and how to upgrade it too. We changed but not for good or you can say it has been a suicidal change and surely we need to change, change not for change’s sake but change to endure.

Today we stand on the verge of the greatest disaster the whole humanity has ever seen and hence if we can’t change today then we can’t do it any other time. So just digest this inconvenient truth that now is the time to undergo overhauling.



Saturday, 4 April 2015

India's lagging school education system...

Recently  I wrote about why higher education system in India is turning day by day into a fiasco, but if we look at all the aspects then the school’s education system is in a no better situation.
India’s school education system is currently one of the worst in the whole world where students are not taught to dream or experiment but actually are taught to become a rote machine and just feed all the data of their textbooks in their mind.
There are many reasons why the Indian school education system is one of the worst education systems of the world.
Let me give you an example. Currently JEE (Joint Entrance Exam) Advanced is one of the toughest entrance tests in the whole world to get admission in an engineering institute and every year more than a million students take the test. But the main problem is that nowadays, it has become a must to take coachings for the test because in our school system the level of difficulty is almost nil while JEE Advanced is, as I mentioned, one of the toughest engineering entrance tests around the world. Today, that’s why so many coaching institutes have become famous and rich too. These institutes demand lakhs for just around one year of coaching and poor students are just not able to get coaching from these coaching institutes and thereby our school system which never endeavors to induce hard topics, calculations etc. in its syllabus is completely responsible for such deplorable condition of those students who can’t afford to pay for the coaching classes.
The next thing that is eating up whole of the system is of the lack of “good and qualified” teachers. Today India has a lot of teachers but pretty less good teachers. In fact qualified science and mathematics teachers are hard to be found all over the country. The private schools out there don’t want teachers who are good at teaching but rather have a penchant for teachers who demand less salary. Due to such scoundrel practices, the future of thousands of students is destroyed every year. It is actually a teacher who can either make you or break you, and these people just for money are ready to break and tarnish the bright future of thousands of children who are just demanding nothing except education.
Such practices are just annihilating our education system day by day and if things continue like this only then eventually, our lagging education system might be one of the biggest causes behind the downfall of this great nation. Isn’t it embarrassing that once we had Takshila University which was world’s biggest centre of learning and now we are in such a pathos condition.
 Today its high time when we realize that compromising with education is nothing short of compromising with the future of the nation and hence today we need to stand up against our poor and ineligible education system.