Friday, 14 August 2015

Love what you do...

Whenever you dedicate your life to something better or greater than what you have contemporarily, you are actually asking the forces of the world to combine up to fillip you up and help you go out and rock the world. 

Mark Twain once said," The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why." Its true that you only cling up to the things you really love, you actually never let such things go away out from you and you can only become great at something only when you are insane towards it, when you love it more than you love to be with your friends, your spouse, more than you love to play, sleep and laugh. Most of the people are not successful because they are actually slaying down their own dreams. See, its necessary to bear pain to be successful, if you don't actually like something and when you want to move ahead in that thing, there comes a time full of hardship and then you would just go away leaving all the things because you have never actually liked that thing and only those who cling on to things till their last breath are the actual ones who succeed. So let me give you a wonderful advice in life, if you don't like doing something, leave it up now, abandon it today because someday you have to leave it and why to waste your time doing a boring thing till reaching that day. All those great people are so much big because they actually love what they do and they continue to do the same for whole of their life, in fact they were actually made to do that only. Usain Bolt was just made to run, Michael Phelps to swim, Muhammad Ali to fight and these people have actually done the things they were destined to and that's why they are considered greats.

 So my friends, leave the things, you are forced to do in life, they will take you nowhere than committing a personal spiritual suicide and if you actually want to become great, find the thing which actually doesn't let you sleep, eat or play as you are so much indulged in it....

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