Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Be phenomenal....

Just take a look around the people around you. Do you know why they are not super rich, super phenomenal, super exception? This is because they ran for mediocrity, but let me tell you, you are not made for mediocrity, you are not made to settle down for less because you are made to be phenomenal. Psychologists have discovered that whatever the mind can conceive, it can achieve, its simple as that. Before your dreams come true, you have to code it into your mind that its possible and if you can imaging the future, if you can see the future before even the God creates it, if you can see yourself achieving greatness, before others can even get a whiff of it, then only you would become successful. Just listen to me, you are already in pain, because your life is not good. If you are happy with your life then don't read ahead, but if you still have that appetite to achieve greatness carry on. I bet there would be times when you would feel betrayed but let me tell if, if I try 1000 times and fail all the time, I would surely feel bad but if I try again, and again and again there is still a chance that one day by luck or by hard work or any other means I will make it through but if I stop today, is there any chance that I could ever get up. Listen you are already in pain, you are not happy because you are not having the things you need, not happy because you are not pursuing so don't let this pain just flow away but in fact use this pain to take you to the next level. So, no matter even the whole world stands against you but I can bet, if you really want it by heart, if you really want it as bad as you want to breathe, the whole world will conspire to hatch a plan to help you achieve your love. Always have an appetite for success. Be hungry, Be ahead, Be Phenomenal, because you are born to be so.........

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