Wednesday, 14 October 2015


In life many a times when we have studied about something a lot, or we have researched about something a lot we start taking things for granted, we start considering that thing a child's play and we stop practicing the topic more. We just jump on the conclusion that defeating us on that topic is something impossible and our winning is actually inevitable. But suddenly an unprecedented thing occurs, a simple minute thing in that topic only, beats us to the ground, making us feel ashamed over our faux pas and at last nothing is left but regret and humiliation in front of others.
That's why its pretty necessary to not take things for granted and if it is about your forte then never even think of taking a chance because one single mistake of yours can land you into an emotional as well as many other disasters because the pain and plight of being defeated at the thing in which you consider yourself "the best" surpasses all other type of pains.
Imagine if you are one of the best national sports player and you went to play with countryside boys and they just stump you out in the first blow only. Though it would certainly not be measure of your talent as a whole, but still this thing would be a huge lashing blow to your heart. The thing which you consider as your innate talent, would be the one in which you are defeated severely and nothing gives as much pain as this thing.
So remember even when you go out to hunt a feeble wolf take the weapons needed to poach the lion. Even if you attempt a small thing do it with full dedication because no matter how much great players you are but if you are stumped out by small boys, you would be considered as a just a show off person and most importantly if you win one time, its your responsibility to win the next time because if you lose the next time, people would call you victory as something pertinent to your luck rather than being related to your own work, talent and greatness. So from now on, just infuse this thing in your mind that nothing is small no matter how big you become....


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