Friday, 7 August 2015

Connecting the dots..

In life, there are gonna be some times when bad things happen for no reason. You just say that, "I didn't do anything bad to someone else, why such things are only happening with me." But my friend let me tell you one single thing that you can't connect the dots looking forwards. Let me tell you about Steve Jobs. Being a stubborn child, he compelled his parents to send him to Reed College, which was one of the most expensive colleges in United States in the 1970s. But after just six months, Jobs dropped out citing that he didn't "enjoy" the course in which he was enrolled. His parents had, till then shelled out all of their savings on his tuition fees and he just blatantly dropped out. For many months he was homeless and had to sleep in the dorm rooms of his friends, he didn't even have money to buy food for himself and he was in complete despair. But at that time Reed College also offered one of the finest calligraphy courses in the whole of United States and Steve dropped in Calligraphy course. At that that he didn't know why he was doing all these stuff, but around a decade later when Apple computers were designed, Steve was the one who came up with the idea of introducing beautiful fonts in the computer, that the world is currently using.
 By this story I just mean to tell you that in your life things happen for a reason. No matter how much pain you feel when they happen to you,  just don't lose you calm. This whole universe's destiny is predestined. Some things are actually out of our control, but believe me that behind everything there is a great reason which we might rejoice in the next couple of months or years. One day we all would certainly look backward to all such things and connect the dots and I bet you would laugh at it and thank the God for doing such things with you. Just don't lose your patients. You will at last unravel the whole mystery, but just wait to be able to connect the dots.....

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