"Bribes are a phenomenon that exists and it's useless to deny the existence of these necessary situations," he said in a TV interview. "These are not crimes. We're talking about paying a commission to someone in that country. Why, because those are the rules in that country." These are some lines being proclaimed by Ex-PM of Italy Silivo Berlusconi. In my perception he is definitely carrying the genes and DNA of India and he might be an indian in his second incarnation.

In India nowadays the scams and corruption has completely engulged the country and has cladded the whole country into its chain so tightly that now India's system have broken down and the values of which India boasts of have been abolished by the monster of corruption. Candidly I can easily that India can't leave the scams. Scams have become part and parcel of our system now and the country is also happy with the phenomenon. But as always Indians are also two sided here just like in the case of Pervez Musharraf. On one side the whole country condemns and rebuke Musharraf because of the Kargil War and on the other side Indian industries and companies (like Hindustan Times in HT Leadership Summit) proffers him to speak and he blantantly rebuts any embarrassment from the war. The same thing is here. On one side thousands of people join Anna's rally and try to alienate themselves from the corrupts and on the other side are themselves giving their shoulder to corruption to rise ahead. If they do corruption, they say that its not a means of corruption it is just a way of doing work, while if others resort to do it, they vehemently scold them and dub their way of doing work "CORRUPTION". This is a proclivity of humanity but in India this penchant has gone above far. 
"INDIAN GOVERNMENT SHOULD DEFINITELY LEGALISE CORRUPTION". This would be the right things because India can't abandon corruption, as corruption has also enrolled itself into the child list of Mother India. From a mere household to an apex governing body "Money is the one man army" and everytime it proves that "Money is not the almighty God but it is also not inferior to GOD". That's the right thing but when money is used wrongfull then it is corruption. In house a child watches his mother buying cylinder in black from unauthorised people by giving illegitimate money. His father when don't want to answer the phone call, asks the child to say to the caller that he is not available there, and children learns how to tell a lie. His elder brother or teacher teaches him corruption by giving money to the brokers to get his or her admission forms ready. His parents teaches him the art of bribing by giving money to the agents for getting the child's date of birth certificate and many other examples are there through which we infuse corruption in children.

PEOPLE TEACH THEIR CHILDREN "ART OF BRIBING" which has become a common trend in the whole country and always accomplish in their task.
India's art of bribing has got trendified and it is going to be a leader in this thing too.
Jai Hind, Jai Bharat
Jai Ma Bharti

"INDIAN GOVERNMENT SHOULD DEFINITELY LEGALISE CORRUPTION". This would be the right things because India can't abandon corruption, as corruption has also enrolled itself into the child list of Mother India. From a mere household to an apex governing body "Money is the one man army" and everytime it proves that "Money is not the almighty God but it is also not inferior to GOD". That's the right thing but when money is used wrongfull then it is corruption. In house a child watches his mother buying cylinder in black from unauthorised people by giving illegitimate money. His father when don't want to answer the phone call, asks the child to say to the caller that he is not available there, and children learns how to tell a lie. His elder brother or teacher teaches him corruption by giving money to the brokers to get his or her admission forms ready. His parents teaches him the art of bribing by giving money to the agents for getting the child's date of birth certificate and many other examples are there through which we infuse corruption in children.
PEOPLE TEACH THEIR CHILDREN "ART OF BRIBING" which has become a common trend in the whole country and always accomplish in their task.
India's art of bribing has got trendified and it is going to be a leader in this thing too.
Jai Hind, Jai Bharat
Jai Ma Bharti
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