Sunday, 24 February 2013

An apology

If an apology can debilitate a bitter past or a dreadful future then it is inevitably a nectar for thirsty.  And the same type of apology came from the contemporary British Prime Ministry but it took the Britain 93 years and 11 months to admit that Jallianwala Bagh was a deeply shameful and dreadful one. But the "slight" delay was a logical and good one. The britishers always contained a thought in their mind that the BRITISH RAJ.
The british empire was launched in India in the year 1765 after the loss of war from the nawab of Bengal Saraj Ud Daula in the hands of Robert Clive. Almost immediately after the british raj's arriving in India, a famine occurred which slayed down one-third of Bengal's population. The reason behind the famine was due to the insatiable needs of the East India Company. The growth also accelerated on a praise worthy rate. In five decades the growth accelerated on a 1% rate. The majority of britishers watched Brigadier General Rignald Dyer as a hero after conducting such a huge 1919 masacre which killed 530 people brutally and savagingly injuring many others. Dyer's show of force was a humongous one. Notwithstanding punishing the Dyer the britishers gifted him a purse of £30,000 to Dyer.

But in my perspective the Indians should first apologize. Those indians from whom the british force comprised of. Those indians who gunned down their fellow indians in the Jallianwala bagh incident. All the indians who helped the britishers in gaining control of the country. All the indian rulers who in order to satisfy their needs  sit idly. Indians should first apologize instead of asking for apology from the britishers. The Indians are the biggest sinners and should demand an apology from their own soul.

Jai Hind, jai Bharat
Jai Ma Bharti 

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