Wednesday, 8 October 2014

In your journey to self...

In your journey to self,

Expect nobody to assist or help,

Thousands of distractions may come,

But keep in mind that,

Birds wanting to fly high,

Should take the flight so great and high,

That they themselves snub the trees nearby,

Through the harshest paths,

Through mysteriously uncanny darks,

Your journey would be yours,

Your success or defeat would hardly matter for others,

You were born unique and one,

You have to die alone,

To achieve success you have to enlighten your own soul,

Today we all are engaged in our own race,

But "win" only kisses those who brace,

For the best as well as the worst,

Those who are always ready to thrive and thrust,

Their whole power and zest,

Because success has never been a jest,

But this world is pretty paradoxical,

Replenished with dilemmas false and inauthentic,

The world only loves to see the winners,

But would always say that winning or losing hardly matters,

The world hardly wants to look the face of losers,

Lose as much as you can and learn from your failures,

But if you lose in the the ultimate war,

That will create, in your whole path, a great void and scar,

The world just follows a simple rule,

Worship the rising Sun,

Hardly take a look at the setting one,

So prepare yourself so better and hard,

That not even God can get you barred,

Be unfazed by other things till your goal is touched,

Happiness and luxury would try to get you dissuaded,

But be firm if you want to be succeeded,

Arise, awake and stop not till the goal is reached,

Worship your aim even more than your God,

Aim high, so that you cross the sky,

And never stop in between the flight,

Either don't take the aim,

If you do play the complete game,

You would surely be followed by fame and name.


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