Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Crony Capitalism-A poison

Contemporarily, one of the toughest problems which Modi government has encountered is of “crony capitalism”. Crony capitalism continues to confront the Modi government and has been an uneasy hurdle in the way of the success of Indian economy.

Today India faces a very deadly and illegitimate combination of politics combined with business which continues to eat up most of the progress of Indian economy. This collusion between the politics of the nation with some big corporates houses of the country is conducive to complete domination of the whole of Indian market by some old players leading to in-toto death of entrepreneurship and innovation.

After India got independence, many of the famous businessmen of that time had previously worked as freedom fighters but on gaining independence and opening their respective industries, these people parted away from the government and the government too didn’t feel it requisite to erect a cozy relationship with them. But soon this layout of the relations of Government and corporate houses changes its course, leading to complete overhaul of the government policies. When Rajiv Gandhi came to power in the year 1984, the relationship between the government and private enterprises made a transition. The liberalization agenda of Rajiv Gandhi demanded a fillip from the corporate houses and in order to do that Rajiv Gandhi reduced the distance between corporate houses and government thereby increasing proximity between the two leading to crony capitalism.

After the demise of Rajiv Gandhi, though the new relationship continued but with slower pace and halved interest. But the history repeated itself again, when UPA-1 rose to power and made a redux of the time of Rajiv Gandhi, again renovating the relationship between the government and business houses and this led to the formation of a complete labyrinthine of crony capitalism and thereby begetting an epoch of depreciation of Indian economy.

The crony capitalism has led to complete monopoly of only some businesses over the whole of Indian economy. Some big corporate houses, took cover of whole of the Indian market finally leading to completely suppression of the new enterprises and thereby becoming the cause of decline of innovations and new competitors in the Indian market.

Now the Modi government surely needs to take some stiff steps in order to restrain this crony capitalism.

The first thing that the government needs to do is to go beyond the famous companies like top 100 etc. in order to promote competition in the market and the birth of some new companies. If the government sticks to this principle rather than always choosing the same players, surely huge changes can be inculcated in the system.

Second thing is to promote FDI in export industries. This step could lead to entry of some new players in the field and can surely give rise to a healthy competition putting a full stop to the monopoly of only a few power corporate houses and giving birth to new blood and technology in the field.

The third thing is to promote the ease of doing business. India is currently considered one of the worst place to do business and this leads to the burial of many companies which have not even been founded. The red tapes in the procedures to get clearances for various projects, industries etc. eventually kill the alacrity of the companies to start their project here, again giving the reins to the previously entrenched companies, again leading to the transfer of power back to the same hands.

Crony Capitalism has long been a venom for the whole nation, which has always lead to demise of entrepreneurship and innovation thereby abating the growth of the Indian economy.


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