But do you know that even in such grave matter the apex court of the country used its wit and humour ingeniously to crack an amusing joke. Albeit the joke has become old with the passage of time but still every time you listen to it, it has something newer and more amusing and sometimes ridiculous to give to you. This joke is really very-very amusing and exemplary of being deficient in pragmatism (although all jokes are like that but this one is different) and when the highest court of the nation cracks it, it has some great covert meaning.
The joke is that, "The government is going to ensure that CBI work with independence, sovereignty and sans any political intrusion."
Nowadays frankly speaking the intelligence service of India is an embarrassment as well as a matter of shame for the whole nation.
But the genuine and authentic thing is that the CBI (Central Bureau of Investigation) has in a very cunning and witty manner has entered into a secret collusion with the Government of India. Both have collectively even carved out a procedure which is as follows
Initially the ministers have a huge avarice do scams and injudiciously harm as well as assault the common people and all such matters are not allowed to emerge into the limelight but if by chance such things come in public then CBI is given the onus to grill the ministers and handle the case but we forget to recall that CBI is the parrot of government having multiple owners, but it works as efficiently and obediently as a pet dog and never lets its owners fail. It does everything to safeguard them and in most of the cases also succeeds to. The other way in which the government uses the CBI is of using it as ammunitions. People going against are shown the government’s arm and this dog (in the form of parrot) cut them if they don’t abide by the government.
Lately, when the disclosure came that CBI has sent the investigation of Coal block allocation to the Law Ministry for consideration, although it has been strictly prohibited from doing such things. The other thing is, it let the PMO as well as the Law Ministry alter the files as well as the facts which were the most vital facts of the report. First CBI repudiated the charges but then CBI chief came out saying “We are a part of the government.” We all know that CBI is a part of government but not a pet of government. It is not supposed to work of government in cases against the government.
Sorry to say but CBI is the most shameful as well as the absurd organ of the Indian intelligence service as well as the government. This institution desparately lacks probity.
Jai Hind, Jai Bharat
Jai Ma Bharti
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