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sandy strikes deadly |
World's mightiest and most powerful thing on which no one has a control or supervision. The things that can horrify or scandalise anyone. The thing which possesses unmatched and immense energy comparable to none. The thing on which the world's super powers have no control. This thing come rarely but is able to take everything down to ground every time it comes. No one can predict the occurrence of that detrimental thing which can mow down or disturb thousands at once. That thing is caused by the nature and environment but somehow we people also take onus of making that deleterious thing take place.
Want to know what that giant mammoth thing!
That things is "NATURAL CALAMITY".
Natural Calamities or disasters are the biggest peril to this world, and when they assault any place or country, do not left anything and ruins everything that comes into their way. But nowadays these disaster have ascended into the terms of intensity because we, humans (Homo Sapiens) have also commenced infringing into the natural activities disturbing the natural cycle of happening of natural things and deteriorating those natural processes thus causing a major imbalance in the usual state of objects. So, the nature also became aggrieved and irked and a feeling of resentment and fury ran into the nature's heart for the human beings and the Nature vowed revenge and retaliation and thus started wrecking everything. But we did not stop or refrain from indulging in this bad work and thus hiking our illegitimate and perilous activities. So the nature got upset of the increased activities and our regular interference in the natural things, so now nature assaulted with more power.
So now the nature has created a double havoc on the world. Nature first chose the world's most powerful country "the United States of America" and world's one of the fastest growing economies, my great motherland "India" as its epicentre.
In America one of the world's most dangerous superstorm "The sandy" came while simultaneously in India arrived the dangerous "Neelam". While the unstoppable Sandy stroke in the north-western America, the furious Neelam stroke the southern coastal India (Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu). Sandy in such a short period of time has snatched away the lives of 98 people, one from Canada and the rest from United States of America while Cyclone Neelam took away the lives of 7 to 10 people, annihilating everything that came in its way. In America there has been a large blackout due to the sandy storm[500,000 homes in Manhattan were without power.] and the transportation system has been severely affected and been impeded by the super storm. About 50 million people have been severely affected by the merciless storm and {only in New Jersey 2.4 million people have been impacted} and the hindrance in the rescue operations {due to the overflowed water} have exacerbated the situation.In New York City, parts of Lower Manhattan were quickly inundated as the Hudson and East rivers overflowed. Seawater poured into road tunnels and the subway system.
Both the cyclones have caused very huge casualties to the denizens of the both countries and have immensely disturbed both the countries in a manner which I ponder would, inevitably cause the countries a very huge amount of money. But the worst thing is that they will exaggerate the situations of the two countries and will snatch away the lives of thousands and will take them away from their beloved ones and will leave thousands grieving.
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