Saturday, 3 November 2012

Be the best

Everyone wants to be the best,
But only few can reach the crest,
because they never take the rest,
The one who boasts,
always pay the cost,
Those who start thinking that they have done more,
can't approach the success anymore.
Those who give up can't again take up,
and those who take up can't break up.
We have to mull more,
to reach the success core,
Everyone is not there to unleash the power,
but only few can reach the success tower,
And if you want to reach success' tower,
then unleash your humongous power,
The talent that can't be shown
is inevitably a con,
 Have the spirit that "YOU CAN"
 as you are a real MAN"                                                       (Harsh)
If you can't be the Sun, be the moon.
If you can't be the Moon, be the star,
But the best of whatever you are.

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