Sunday, 24 September 2017


It was the gory summer of 1989. After the rapid developments in the post-Mao China, country’s inscrutability on its human rights stance had infused fears in many bourgeois Chinese denizens, students, and NGOs. Nobody wanted an opaque system concealed enormously from the ones who indeed coalesce to give rise to China: the Chinese people, and hence various student’s organizations and NGOs had gone for hunger-strike in order to galvanize support for their worthy cause. But, unfortunately Chinese government had something else in mind. Deng Xiaoping, the then paramount leader of PRC’s (People Republic of China) deemed these benign protestors as an exigently impending political threat. What ensued further was nothing less than a macabre slaughter. Mobilization of more than 3,00,000 Chinese troops in Beijing led ultimately to deaths of thousands of students at the infamous Tiananmen Square, as the military used heavy grade weapons and tanks on the unarmed protestors.

28 years have passed away, but still Chinese stand on the human rights activists remains as much abhorrent as before. Though Xi’s China is much more developed than Deng’s China, the unscrupulous behavior regarding those wanting a transparent system in their nation continues to be a daymare for the Chinese people.
A recent report published by an international watchdog organization, Human Rights Watch, exclusively covers the severe crackdown by the Chinese officials on the human rights activists. The disturbing report lucidly blames the UN for its complicity in the illegitimate Chinese acts of oppression against those demanding basic rights that must be guaranteed to the citizens of a nation.  

The report starts with a scathing remark about how the United Nations is far away from living up to its tenets. When Mr. Xi Jinping, President of the PRC, stood on the podium to give his keynote address, a queer situation engulfed him. Unlike other addresses on the rostrum of UNHRC (United Nations Human Rights Council), Mr. Xi’s address was particularly different. Various officials and human right activists were made to leave the council, NGOs was barred from entering the complexes and facilities like parking lots etc. were complete cordoned off. This was particularly not the first incident on the board of the United Nations. In April 2017, security officials in the UN headquarters, New York City, forcibly sent out the ethnic Uyghur rights activist, Dolkun Isa. Mr. Isa was participating as an NGO member when he was confronted by security officials who ordered him to move out of the premises. No credible reasons were quoted by the organization and the UN remained utterly evasive of any questions on the issue.     
United Nations’ silent and unqualified support for a country that has not allowed a single visit by the UNHRC’s human right commissioner seems to be a vehement digression of its core principles. The HRW (Human Rights Watch) report points out that Beijing has been intentionally dilatory regarding the visits by rapporteurs working on political rights issues. “… although the Chinese government accepted visits by the special procedures for food, debt, discrimination against women, and extreme poverty over the last 15 years, it has rejected 12 other visits, especially visits by rapporteurs charged with protecting various civil and political rights, and for over a decade has been unwilling to accept a visit by the UN high commissioner for human rights,” the report adds.

Besides this, the ingenious report also talks about how China is making up a clique of like-minded countries on the UN’s forum in order to snub off any discussion regarding its exploitation of human rights. China’s entente with countries like Egypt, Algeria, and Cuba too helps it obviate any questions and scrutiny regarding the human rights issue.

For a country housing 1.379 billion people, such egregious floundering of basic human rights is in-toto reprehensible. Even though China is taking major roles at the international center-stage, but if its own people are deprived of the basic rights then that progress would be extremely hollow. There are numerous Cao Shunli and Dolkun Isa in China who are currently being reprimanded for speaking up for the rights of common people and unfortunately, this flagrant act continues to happen in front of the eyes of the world’s biggest organization, the UN. The most barbaric sins are truly committed transparently.

“…the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God.” – John F. Kennedy


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