Human beings are always stranded by predicaments. We all are surrounded by unanswered questions and abstruse answers which aggrandize our curiosity to reach out to solutions which are indeed immaterial in changing anything in our life, and in this quest, we start fanatically holding on to those who promise to bless us with inexplicable panaceas.
In this world, the concept of God is the most debated and simultaneously most un-debated topic in the world. Between this profound abyssal the wandering benign human mind goes astray and is inflicted with incurable injuries sending him in an interminable fugue.
Since our very inception into the world, we have been taught that this whole creation has been erected by an esoteric personality whom we would almost never behold. The concept of questioning the existence of that elusive creature is termed as ‘taboo’ and though most of us are suspicious of his/her very basis when we are young, but as we grow we start liking him for it is so easy to blame him for our faults, problems, failures, and inactivity. When things just don’t work the way they should, we blame this naïve creature – the God- for almost all the unintelligible reasons and since we won’t have a rendezvous with him anywhere he won’t defend himself thus making the thought of having God at our disposal seem so much enticing and relaxing. This customary practice has been in existence for years and we have now become so much inured to it that life seems incomplete sans our scapegoat- THE GOD. After playing with this easy-to-execute for long, we try to learn more of this incredible figure and here start the actual conflicts of life.
Much as the concept of God is a fact regarding universalism, but human beings have a natural fancy for individuality which fails to conform to the teachings of standard religion and the old religious scriptures. The teachings of Bhagavad Gita, Bible, Quran and other books take a considerable beating to be unraveled and hence a ‘normal’- not so religiously enlightened person- is ultimately left in a whirlpool of dilemmas. He cannot dare to forsake his pre-conceived notions about God nor can he understand the meaning of the great religious books demanding exceptional scholarly visions. If he does the former, his own cranial conflicts will strangulate his soul and also the fear to be contradicted on every turn by those who have an entrenched- though unconfirmed- belief in religion would no less than be a daymare and if he tries to brainstorm into the aphorisms of religion, he won’t have time to earn his livelihood and take care of his family. Haplessly in both the cases, he is destined to be doomed. In the actual world, we are always trying to stick somewhere in between the two extremes.
Synoptically, everyone has prepared a false reality around himself. Though this falsehood is easy to be abolished, still to sneak out of our previous dilemmas we don’t toy with it. We let it survive the way it is and continue to survive with it. This reality may seem robust from outside but from inside it is a vulnerable vacuum. In this aura of ourselves, we deem that God is extant and form in our head different anthropomorphic images of God. Some might think of him as being the unceasingly handsome Krishna while some may think of him as a benign Christ sacrificing himself for the benediction of the world. These images of divinity may prove fascinating at first but after some time, the veracious vacuum in that spurious reality again starts devouring peace and serenity out of us. No matter how much great our fantasies are, still they are ill-adept at answering to our woes. Even though we have been incessantly ascribing Krishna, Christ or Allah for our worries and jinxes, but our problems are finding no end at all. Our big visions of spirituality are again eschewing us and albeit we have left no stone unturned in arrogating our actions to them (only bad ones), they are still nowhere to be found to extract explanation or replies. Our efforts have again been contravened by that harrowing vacuum and again we need some more false realities to make things work out.
Our new realities will be based on those who present themselves as the ‘executives’ of God who have been sent to vanguard the human race to ‘moksha’ or ‘salvation’. In actuality, these “God-men” are none but some sly individuals who have learned to exploit the eerie milieu around the God. Taking complete advantage of our tomfoolery about God, these people spread apocryphal stories about their humongous powers and magic and here we all commit to some beautiful lines of Ghalib,
“ham ko ma.alūm hai jannat kī haqīqat lekin
dil ke ḳhush rakhne ko 'ġhālib' ye khayal achchhā hai”
(We know the reality of paradise, but to console our heart, it is indeed a worthy perception.)
For long, we were devoid of any mentally perceivable concept of God and now somebody has suddenly emerged out of somewhere and says pleasing things about our God and promises to be a ‘messenger’ of the guy we have been looking for years. Our emotions just blow out and in this deluge, we have flown away to one more false reality- this time even more perilous than before. Soon we forget the God and head on to revere this individual whose identity is unknown to us, who ‘so-called’ powers have never been observed by our eyes and whose vision of God is as much hypocritical as ours. The only digression between that “Godman” and us is that he is more cunning than us. He has learned to use the arcane lines of religion to his own benefit and on the other hand, we have resolved to be hoodwinked on the pretext of our false realities.
The actual fault in this game is not of that “Godman” but of ours. Our ostentatious understanding and proximity with our intrepid- but untested- beliefs in our God have allowed him to creep insidiously into our minds. Our vacuum has given space to the genesis of these people. Though there exist people who claim themselves to be purely ‘human’ and try to guide us all through perfect empirical thinking, but our reality restrains us from hearkening to them. We want nothing less than “Godly things” to enter our vacuum and ultimately there is nothing left than doubt, suspicion, buffoonery, and debilitation. These unlettered “God men”- the executives of God- continue to preach through their cockeyed minds which have nothing more than craps with respect to God and finally there is a trail of superstitions, orthodoxy and sometimes even bloodshed.
In spite of blaming these people for their acts of crime, why not inculpate ourselves for our ignorance. For a moment let us become conscious of our own acts of sin and embark on the journey to self. The only way to find God is to reach out to yourself and explore the matters deep in your heart because the one who knows himself has actually seen the true form of God.
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