Saturday, 27 September 2014


Before moving to United States in order to attend the United Nations Summit, Mr. Modi launched one of the most needed and vital programs for the whole of the nation i.e. “Make in India”. India on one hands proves to be inefficient in providing jobs to the needed hand while just like the other side of coin, on one hand, there are ample jobs but no workers to carry out the work and this is the main reason why despite of having world’s largest youth population we still continue to lag behind in manufacturing sector from nations like People’s Republic of China.

India contemporarily has been blessed with a huge assets’ population but the problem is that till now the previous governments have done nothing in order to make use of the people of the nation to the hilt and that’s why today India continues to lag behind in industrial sector and employment rate notwithstanding being a key player in regional as well as global issues around the world. The current red tapes as well as the tainted system also makes it next to impossible for different companies around the world to come and invest here in India and scams like 2G and CWG have also left no stone unturned in tarnishing our reputation as a global investing site in the eyes of big companies around the world while one more problem that continues to push us backwards in the discouragement being provided to entrepreneurs in the nation. Entrepreneurship in India is much need but also much discouraged and therefore remains undeveloped leading to very less number of Indian firms in the whole nation. Indian goods market has been completely overtaken by Chinese businesses while Indian entrepreneurs appear very less in IT firms etc. except some Indian firms like Infosys and Wipro.  

All these things continue to add up to severe the already harmed conditions of the nation. The difficulty in doing business, red-tapes etc. continue to harm the nation and also shifting of huge investment ventures to other market players like China. And this is in fact the main reason why big companies like Intel, Apple etc. are shifting their business to China (Intel is supposed to invest $1.5 Billion in Chinese chipmaker firms). All such things sum up to clearly portray the receding business environment in the whole nation and also voice their concern for the degrading businesses around the nation.

Therefore Make in India can prove to be a breather for the businesses around the nation. According to (WTO) World Trade Centre’s analysis report, India fares very badly in the ease of doing business and proves to be one of the most difficult nation to do business with.

India ranks very low at 134 (out of a total of 189) nations in the east of doing business. Now Make in India can also do very good. The aim of this program is to get the manufacturing sector grow over by around 10% and to transform the economy into the Labor-intensive manufacturing driven growth. Thus the program would be able to erect around 10 million jobs for the people of the nation.

This program is also supposed to assist in guiding the foreign investors through different policy issues and investment policies of the Indian subcontinent. This program, in total stresses over 25 sectors of job creation and skill development including automobiles, chemicals, IT, pharmaceuticals, textiles, ports, aviation, leather, tourism and hospitality, wellness, railways, auto components, design manufacturing, renewable energy, mining, bio-technology, pharmaceuticals and electronics, etc.

The government will look into various regulatory issues and would also try to help investors get rid of their queries on various investing issues. A support team would also be there to support the investors and to answer all their queries in 72 hours. FICCI has even set up an 8 member expert group in order to address enquires and apprehension of investors.

With all such efforts, India seems all ready to grab various lucrative opportunities. Just as Mr. Modi took off for the United States, he is sure to grab various deals from the US companies and this program would surely be able to make the investment deals successful. Hope that this program would be able to fulfil the dreams of our forefathers of allocating job to every hand of the nation.


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