Tuesday, 1 July 2014

India, the cradle of Science.

Indian Space Mission scaling new heights.
 Recently Indian space mission reached to a new milestone, a new zenith transcending all the limits that the critics had once set for it. When the PSLV-C23 rocket jumped off to take off from its base, the whole world’s eyes remained relentlessly focused on India, the nation which has actually recognized this world with the true meaning of science. In fact, the universal language of science i.e. Mathematics does itself find its origins in India. From zero to different theories, Indian scientists have given this world much in order to relish and admire the true wonders of science and mathematics. And as Indian’s ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation) launched one of its most promising and auspicious projects, the whole world remained astounded and the new height which this great nation has now scaled through this unprecedented venture indeed avers and asserts the true potential this great nation, whose saints once proclaimed that this world is made up of “atoms”, in the field of scientific research and technology.
 “Your limits are nothing more than the lies your fears have sold you.” For a very long time critics from around the world were alleging that now there is no development in India in respect to the space mission and technology and that the scientific glory that this nation of ours holds has somehow been loosed in oblivion. But now when the ISRO crossed all the limits to be par excellence and to shut up the critics the whole world watched the power of the Indian soil and moreover the courage that our great and glorified nation still hold inside its heart.
One more thing that the launch of this new satellite has made sure is that India is behind no developed nation in terms of scientific technology. Inside our PSLV-C23, India launched the satellites of big heavyweights of this field like Germany, France, Canada and Singapore. The new satellite that was launched on Monday carried a 740 kg French Earth Observation Satellite SPOT-7 as its main payload, with 14kg AISAT satellite from Germany, two 15 kg satellites from Canada CAN-X4 and CAN- X5 and last but not the least, a 7Kg VELOX-1 from Singapore. The five satellites were part of a foreign agreement that ISRO had struck with these countries. But now Indian subcontinent’s hunger has soared for better. Even Indian Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi that India’s space programme must be made available to developing nations, and the SAARC countries in particular, minutes after witnessing the successful launch of five foreign satellites on board the Indian Space Research Organisation’s (ISRO) workhorse the PSLV programme. “Today I ask our space community to make plans for developing a SAARC satellite, a satellite that provides a full range of applications and services to all our neighbours. There is a lot of poverty in the SAARC nations and we need scientific solutions for this. It will be beneficial for the development of all the countries in the region”, he added.
With the launch of this remarkable PSLV satellite carrying the load of so many other nation’s satellite, India has proved that its soil has not stopped engendering great sons. But what’s needed today is the guidance that these children of mother India really deserve but are unfortunately deprived of. Today the government as well as the whole society needs to think over the present advancements that the whole science and technology are making for a better world and that’s why now its high time we realize our potential and contribute as much as we can in order to facilitate and smoothen the approach of Indian scientific mission across the whole world.

Jai Hind, Jai Bharat
Jai Ma Bharti

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