Saturday, 12 July 2014

Earn more to spend more.

Recently, budget which was to make sure the smooth functioning of the new government was tabled in the parliament. Mr. Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India and Mr. Arun Jaitely, moved into the parliament with the burden of fulfilling their promises to India and with the budget which was going to anticipate the condition of the nation in this upcoming year. The thumping victory also added much pressure and load on the backs of the duo, but fortunately both Mr. Modi and Mr. Jaitley handled the pressure well, making this budget an affordable budget for the whole of India when fiscal deficit continues to ride high at 4.8% of the total GDP being valued at $88 Billion.

But one thing that needs to be continued is that here in India supply is less and with soaring population the demand is very much high. Today the number of consumers in India have outshined number of producers of various commodities and this phenomenon has paved the root of many evils like inflation, price rise etc. which ultimately shrouds the whole nation in despair. This problem only continues to be the root of various problems which appear out to impede the overall progress of the nation and mars all the achievements achieved by the nation.

The expenditure now has been hiked up from the total availability of funds due to the increasing number of consumers and this leads to increment in the nation’s fiscal deficit which then creates numerous problems and ultimately accumulating a humongous pile of problems.
So the big question here is what needs to be done? India is presently not in a situation to cut its expenditures. The subsidies in various sectors that the government has been providing cannot be rolled back immediately. Sincerely speaking, the nation still continues to have a large number of its population below poverty line and therefore removing subsidies can be a bed of thorns for the government and therefore something else should be done. 

Something else that needs to be done is raising the income. If you can’t cut on expenditures then simply raise the income and that’s what the contemporary government needs to do. Today rather than focussing on abating subsidies the government should rather ponder on improving the business conditions in the nation. Foreign investment and business is one of the most enticing income generating ways. The business doing procedures continue to be the harshest in the whole world. Red tapes corruption etc. tarnish the overall capability of the Indian soil and that’s why today many companies are shifting their destinations from India to countries like China and Brazil and this continues to be a big problem for the whole nation and this ultimately leads to a huge loss of overall money in the possession of the government and now if the new government really wants to ameliorate the condition of India then the government should definitely do something about reducing the red tapes and improving the business doing ease in India.



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