The politics is not the same that it used to be. First people used to consider the politics not as a game but as a great way of managing people and doing things for the common people so that they could live happily and live with peace and tranquility. In older times it was a set of rules being made so as to serve the common people but the time has changed intoto. Politics has become a dirty and cheap game in which the politicians only work to earn money for themselves and common people are not having any stand in anything. Previously the politicians like Kautilya used to ponder profoundly how to make to lives of people happy and good but now our great great politicians think of how to change their own destiny and how to accumulate money for themselves and their generation and how to do corruption and scams. The dream to revolutionize the world is lost somewhere, there is no great leader who can change the lives of common people on the right path and track. Great inventions and leaderships have now become a rare thing that is nowadays hardly seen among people. There is a lack of central leadership in the government and the whole country. Nowadays our governments are being known by the name of the party or parties which have formed the government notwithstanding as a united body which has been elected to govern the nation. The opposition is busy in doing its own good. The politics, the greatest art of ruling, is lost. It has become a dirty and nasty game being played by people in order to earn money, name, fame and profit for themselves but nothing matters for we people. We all are just living our lives slowly and gradually not wanting anything as if this method is not worth our consideration . If you would ask even small children, what they want to become, then one will say I want to become a doctor, the other will say I want to become an engineer, the other one would say that I want to become a scientist but no one will emerge out and say that I want to become a politician because they are watching this world of politics through the goggles of hatred and are thing that politics only involves corruption, scam, bad people, a power play and a game to come to power and rule over people and everyone think that politics is a dirty game. Politics has been made so notorious by our politicians that even in a class if you make others fight or want to do something that will profit you, you are termed as a politician and you are said to be doing politics.
We have constricted the gamut of politics to a very bad and low level that people have commenced abhorring and abiding it, but the people are also having the right opinion. Our leaders have made them have this bad opinion about politics. But the politicians seem to be unfazed by all these things as if they are not related to them because they know that they will come again and again and will play with the emotions of the whole nation and will again come to power, accumulate wealth and fame and after getting old will hand over the rein to their children and this thing will carry on for a very long time.
All these things have caused a great dearth of leaders and central leadership which is the most crucial and vital factor for the working of a nation. People are not getting involved in the politics because of the fear of their lives and politics is also getting regularly defamed by the good activities of our leaders.
At last I would just like to conclude that now there is a need for youth to come out to serve the nation and to take their nation ahead of any other nation.
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