You are not what you are, you are what you can be. If you have not got what you want to get, don't settle keep toiling. In the end, only those people succeed in life who have practised incessantly and terrifically hard. It's not necessary to be the winner when you start. Accept the fact that every person you consider as your idol, every person you think is the "greatest" was once a small beginner who started alone, just like you are today. There was a time when Albert Einstein was not at all known, there was a time when J.K. Rowling was just a bad failure in life. You don't get what you want, deserve or must have in the beginning because if you would have been gifted with such things there would have been no need for you to work hard and life would have been a boring and fractious adventure. You needn't be afraid of not having requisite things that you need to be strong enough to develop them. Everybody knows that you are unknown! but you and only you can see the tomorrow when you will be eximious; only you have the sense to foresee and foretell the future in which you would spring up as a star. Just know that you are going to be there one day because it's paramountly crucial that you are certain that you will be successful because if you can't compel yourself to believe that you will be successful, how can you ask others to believe that you will make it. Initially, people will make fun of you, try their best to belittle you but one day these things would subside and your charisma would blind them all. They would be forced to believe in your greatness but also keep in mind that to make those things come true, it is not a child play to perform an arresting feat. It takes guts, preparation and a desire to sacrifice your present for your tomorrow.
If you have that, go ahead and take what you are born for.
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