Thursday, 27 October 2016

Attaining Divinity.

                                    Image result for SPIRITUALITY

In my small experiments with spirituality, I have been able to unravel just one thing. Spirituality or divinity is nothing but controlling your desires. When you can edify your mind exactly what is the right thing to do rather than flowing away with your capriciousness, you are becoming, in the purest sense,spiritual.

Controlling one's desire is truly the most intractable thing to do. We all are very well-versed with the consequences of all the actions that we are committing. Let me give you a simple example of a student. A student knows exactly that he is bound to fail if he is not going to study, he knows that he won't be a successful person if he doesn't work hard; but since his whims to enjoy the life rather than striving hard, outplays his dedication to become successful; he ultimately loses out on success and fame. Just like this student, all of us exactly know what would come out of our actions but still since our mind, since our actions are not in our control; we just can't snub away the unnecessary things. 

Now, it has become a hideous and vacuous custom to burn Indrajit's effigy along with that of Ravana and Kumbhakaran on the day of Dussehra but nobody knows the fact that Meghanat was called so, because he had won over his mind and had actually amalgamated his soul and his mind by the thread of spirituality. (Now some stupid people might reason that notwithstanding being the master of his mind; he chose to fight against the God but let me tell you, he knew that Rama was invincible but he chose to combat him because it was his duty, his requisite Karma to fulfil his role as a son and that's the ultimate reason also why he achieved "moksha" or redemption of soul from the hands of the almighty himself.)

Controlling oneself in life is the ultimate goal of every human life. If we are able to control our desires and do what is necessary rather than doing what is more pleasant; when it becomes impossible to discern any difference between the way we are living or the way we should live; when impetuousness is replaced by sensibility and prudence; you achieve spirituality. 

Each one of us is so close of divinity. We are human beings, that truly means that we are half-way to spirituality, the rest half just depends on some simple actions that we need to take in the right direction.


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