Monday, 26 September 2016


Many a times life takes different turns. There are moments when you goal appears impossible to be attained and you are lost in the maze of the world. It happens that so many times we just can't recount our path and we fall into the ditch of gloominess, despair and an ultimate sense of failure. These things certainly allocate us with an inexplicable impatience. We just want to stand up and change things but unfortunately, it's like we have been caught with shackles in our legs. Life seems completely worthless since you can't envisage the future and the present is of no good either. 

Actually, these moments appear in every person's life. When you are trying to change things the way they have been gifted to you, when you are trying to move up your surrounding since the people around don't match up your visions; life tries to push us back. Every action you do would follow a negative reaction from life since life is ultimately a formidable test. If life would have always given a positive reaction, each and every person around you would have been successful and there would have been no need to do anything. Remember, when the aeroplane takes off, it has to defeat the winds, the air drag that's trying to put it down to the ground, but the greats have their destinations in new heights, the aeroplane doesn't stop. The same is the case with you contemporarily. You are trying to achieve things which people around you can't even think about. You are being derided and belittled just because you visions are more than their capabilities. If you put a restraint on yourself not to get out of the ditch, one day you would end up being like them, but if you choose to gather all your courage and make a perennial change, one day they would end up working for you. It depends on you whether you want to become a man of limited vision just like them or whether you want to make it large. Remember, the difference between these things is just a small inch. The once who accumulated the strength to take the stride ahead of the small inch would emerge victorious while those who are not brave enough to step out of their comfort zone and take that step would continue to remain, where they are.  


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