Monday, 26 October 2015

Exceptional or mundane.....

Whenever you go on to do something great, something that nobody has ever seen before, something that nobody has ever imagined before, you would face opposition. In life whenever you set out for a journey, you would find pebbles, rocks and even great hindrances on the road but my friend if your will is strong enough to win, to move past harder, to cut through any circumstance then only you are worthy of being called a winner. A boat which fear waves can never clear the ocean. So, if you just don't love what you do more than anything else, if you don't love what you do more than you love breathing, if you don't love what you do more than you love partying, dancing, watching movies, just leave the work because you are surely not made for that. If being exceptional would have been an easy affair, everybody would have managed to do that and then even being exceptional would have become mundane. To be exceptional you have to be different. 
 For example whenever wars are fought, there are millions of soldiers but only one king, and interesting each and every soldier is ready to sacrifice his life for the king and the kingdom. Do you know why? Because they know the kind has something in him which makes him different, if the king would have been of same mettle as that of the soldiers, the soldiers would have killed the king and would have usurped the whole of the kingdom. 
Now the choice is on you, whether you would like to be a simple soldier who can battle one opponent at his level best or the king who can cut through an army of opponent without bearing even a single wound.
And remember that in the end the posterity only remembers the king individually.
So the choice remains yours......


Wednesday, 14 October 2015


In life many a times when we have studied about something a lot, or we have researched about something a lot we start taking things for granted, we start considering that thing a child's play and we stop practicing the topic more. We just jump on the conclusion that defeating us on that topic is something impossible and our winning is actually inevitable. But suddenly an unprecedented thing occurs, a simple minute thing in that topic only, beats us to the ground, making us feel ashamed over our faux pas and at last nothing is left but regret and humiliation in front of others.
That's why its pretty necessary to not take things for granted and if it is about your forte then never even think of taking a chance because one single mistake of yours can land you into an emotional as well as many other disasters because the pain and plight of being defeated at the thing in which you consider yourself "the best" surpasses all other type of pains.
Imagine if you are one of the best national sports player and you went to play with countryside boys and they just stump you out in the first blow only. Though it would certainly not be measure of your talent as a whole, but still this thing would be a huge lashing blow to your heart. The thing which you consider as your innate talent, would be the one in which you are defeated severely and nothing gives as much pain as this thing.
So remember even when you go out to hunt a feeble wolf take the weapons needed to poach the lion. Even if you attempt a small thing do it with full dedication because no matter how much great players you are but if you are stumped out by small boys, you would be considered as a just a show off person and most importantly if you win one time, its your responsibility to win the next time because if you lose the next time, people would call you victory as something pertinent to your luck rather than being related to your own work, talent and greatness. So from now on, just infuse this thing in your mind that nothing is small no matter how big you become....


Tuesday, 13 October 2015


In life many a times we stop being good because just because of our being good, people have exploited us to the hilt, just because of us not being selfish the whole world considered us fool, but my friend let my tell you that if today you stop being good the evil powers of the world will win over spirituality.

Today the world needs goodness. We all have become so much entangled in our lives, money and other commodities have become so much crucial and important that we have stopped being good. Greed, selfishness and indifference to other's plight has completely restrained our inner heart from doing anything good to others. And even if we try to be good and helpful, many events would occur which would make us believe that being good and nice to people is just a waste of time but let me tell you that you are wrong. In this world when you try to do something good, first the whole world would conspire to stop you from doing it but when you surpass all the odds and when you beat them all down, the same world would conspire to help you do what you want. Darkness can't remove darkness, hatred can't slay down hate, but only light can debilitate darkness and only love can communicate peace and prosperity and hence today the world needs loving and good people, who live for others. Its pretty easy living just for yourself but it really takes a beating to live for others, to help others move forward in life and this is what makes the difference. You can easily opt out to be bad, selfish and mean and you would face no problem, but actual enjoyment lies in doing something remarkable, in doing something which others people you can't and hence never stop being good, never stop helping others, never stop being compassionate, never stop spreading love and never stop living life.....


Sunday, 11 October 2015


Many a times in our life we come to believe that our whole life is worthless, the in-toto period of time that we all have spent on this earth has been completely futile. Many a times, when bad luck strikes us up, no matter how much we try but we fail, no matter how much we try to change things up, at last we just end up deteriorating things even worse than they were before; we come to believe that we are actually worthless, but my friend let me tell you, you are special, you are unique and you are the only person who can do, what you are born to do.

God and luck have their own ways of testing our perseverance. Through a large pool of people, a selection has to be done, on who among, so many contenders would emerge out as the winner and let me tell you the only quality that separates a looser from a winner, a leader from a follower is patient. Bad times will certainly thrash you hard and the pain would throb you up all around, but if you are still relentless victory will kiss you up.

Patience is the key to everything. We all are good at something, in fact exceptional at a particular work, but see only one amongst us all is called the "greatest". Millions of people play tennis but still we have only one Roger Federer, million swim, but still Michael Phelps is the legend, millions of boxers have got to the bout but still Mohammad Ali has been the only one. What separates them from others is their passion and relentlessness.

Just listen to me carefully, if you are made to do something and you are not happy with it, if your parents, peers, teachers are forcing you up to practice something and you are not willing at it, just go away abandon it up because you will never be the best in that field. To be the best, you have to take up a very long fight, in which you need patience. Things don't happen at once by themselves, you will fail and fail and fail and then when even the failure would have saturated then the victory will approach you and for such a long term of failure and disappointment you need to have patience as those who lack patience will forsake everything in the first failure itself. Edison invented bulb after around hundred failed attempts, if he wouldn't have been that much passionate and mad about his work, he might have left it up in second or may be third attempt like most of us do and history would have given this credit to some other scientist. Remember, you "start" becoming great, when people start saying that you are mad at something. Albert Einstein once said, "Its not that I am smarter than you, I just stick to my problems for longer". This shows how much passionate he was regarding the questions he faced and that's why he has been the world's most significant physicist ever lived. You have to be mad at something to become great at it because billions of people are running before greatness and to slay all of them down and win is something that requires great passion and patience.

So next time you face a defeat, don't be impatient to leave it all or curse you luck; rather than doing that start it all over again, and as many times you fail, commence it all again and once you will win. One day everything would become clear and you would be a master at it, because you are born to be phenomenal not mediocre.