Whenever you go on to do something great, something that nobody has ever seen before, something that nobody has ever imagined before, you would face opposition. In life whenever you set out for a journey, you would find pebbles, rocks and even great hindrances on the road but my friend if your will is strong enough to win, to move past harder, to cut through any circumstance then only you are worthy of being called a winner. A boat which fear waves can never clear the ocean. So, if you just don't love what you do more than anything else, if you don't love what you do more than you love breathing, if you don't love what you do more than you love partying, dancing, watching movies, just leave the work because you are surely not made for that. If being exceptional would have been an easy affair, everybody would have managed to do that and then even being exceptional would have become mundane. To be exceptional you have to be different.
For example whenever wars are fought, there are millions of soldiers but only one king, and interesting each and every soldier is ready to sacrifice his life for the king and the kingdom. Do you know why? Because they know the kind has something in him which makes him different, if the king would have been of same mettle as that of the soldiers, the soldiers would have killed the king and would have usurped the whole of the kingdom.
Now the choice is on you, whether you would like to be a simple soldier who can battle one opponent at his level best or the king who can cut through an army of opponent without bearing even a single wound.
And remember that in the end the posterity only remembers the king individually.
So the choice remains yours......