Wednesday, 10 December 2014


When the hatred of losing exceeds the desire to succeed,

Then you start rising up this human’s creed,

Only then you start doing successful deeds,

Thousands may come and thousands may go,

But champions are made once in a century,

The ones who create history,

Everyone doesn’t become great,

Because it’s not easy for all to abate,

The desire to play, laugh and sleep,

And to pay heed,

 To do what makes them great,

Not everyone is able to overcome and win out of world’s hate,

Most will lose and say that unlucky was their fate,

But ask the real winners,

How they got prepared,

Ask yourself why only a few dared,

The answer lies in a simple thing,


Winning is not always necessary but the desire to win,

Is requisite,

To rise up and beat,

The lazy you in your heart,

Many problems may knock your door,

Many a time you might get bored,

When you rise up earlier than others,

Dark is the atmosphere all around,

Silence in what sky bounds,

There are two ways to go,

One to either practice and the other to sleep,

One may take you to success,

The other will make you bow,

99% will choose easy and 1% will choose the first,

Because only these great people have that exquisitely needed thirst,

Believe in me when you love your goal,

More than sleeping, playing with friends, partying out,

When your sole love becomes your aim,

You start to be the grandmaster of the game.



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