Friday, 28 November 2014

Side-effects of media.

Its is said that the fourth pillar of democracy is “Media” and there is no skepticism at all that media plays a vital role in making people aware of the what’s happening in and around the world.

But as the aphorism says, “With great power, come great responsibility”  I believe that now media needs to understand it pretty well for a better future of the nation.

The first and foremost things that I would like to point out is that sometimes media coverage on terrorist attacks etc. done to increase the TRP have affected the nation pretty drastically. During the 26/11 attack media person were showing each and every aspect of the Taj Hotel and other places of assaults by terrorists, and the terrorists were able to see the reports of deployment of army, arrival of NSGs etc. and due to this the victims incurred huge loss, leading to a void in their life, which can never be filled again. Due to such excessive coverage, many lives were gone; many people were mowed down by merciless terrorists. Therefore I believe that now the government needs to take a stiff step against all such actions in order to stop the demonizing of this fourth pillar of democracy.
The other thing is that today, in Indian news industry, the custom of debates has taken up huge speed. Every singly news channel organizes debates on various topics (mostly political) and this in itself violated the basic fundamental principle of Media. The media is required to notify people about things not to impose its views of people. Debates on news channels are partial and discriminatory, some parties don’t even get a chance to speak on television and hence no debate is in itself complete. The second thing is that dog-cat fight between people in debates is nowadays used to increase the viewership of the media channels, such debates are also completely useless too. For eg. Recently in a new debate, I saw a Congress’ spokesperson accusing BJP of being a hypocrite by trying to fix a meeting with Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and even condemned Mr. Modi for the same, when the next day no meeting took place, the same spokesperson said that Modi is doing it all wrong, SAARC can see no progress without Pakistan. Will such things be used to make people aware of the current events? I don’t think so. The last but not the lease thing in this respect is that today the news anchors also try to overpower the people from other parties. They start giving their own opinions and sum up with the same and hence the conclusion of the debate is also pretty discriminatory.

The next thing is many a times such debates lead to leaking of our internal policies to the outer world. For example, the government, till now has not said anything about the 40 Indian workers who were stranded in Iraq but yesterday a news channel aired a report that they have been killed. Can such moron acts be condoned for such a respected institution? Such detrimental things cast a huge shadow of vulnerability on our government’s policies and thinking and therefore such things must be banned.

Excessive use of anything is bad. Today the government of India, needs to make stiff plans and rules to limit the power of this important institution or it will wreak havoc on the nation itself.


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