Sunday, 30 September 2012


                                   365 FILES OF FEAR

India boasts of a heritage culture in which people have a very great sense of reverence for the women and women are considered the greatest person on this world on earth. But nowadays these things have become nothing but only the simple words written in books and are left with nothing.
Nowadays India is also on its venture to do crimes and our lazy and fatty policeman are permitting these crimes by not doing anything. The police which has been entrusted with the work to save people is always reluctant to act or act when every one (people) have acted, this means that police reach a place when the criminals have fled or the common people have mercilessly and severely beaten them to death.
India is also working very hard in order to record their name in the race of most unsafe countries and wants to excel there. Thousands of new crimes are emerging like cutting a body in 200-300 pieces and many others. Indian criminals are going to outshine our scientists in the invention whether it is of mowing down people. For example recently A cash van was looted by some goons in the swanky South Delhi. Our goons and robbers have also become myth busters and have shattered the belief that the robberies and killing take place at night. Nowadays the new passion is slaying down people, robbing people in the daylight and they have also succeeded in that upto a large extent to which is something that needs a standing ovation. 
 Now lets move onto the main discussion. In 2006,  205,656 violent crimes were committed across India. By 2011 the number had gone up to 256,329, which portrays a sharp rise  of 24.6%. Across the country, murders have increased by 5.6%, number of rape cases have vexingly soared by 20% and kidnapping is hiking on an alarming rate of 86.1%. Crimes against women have also seen a substantial  and considerable rise. Crime against women has increased by 38.8% from 2006 to 2011, the conviction rate during the sampe phases was 28%, very low as compared to the number of crimes that took place.
 Urban India is badly affected the crime. Crime has reached to its zenith and has raised by 64% in 53 megacities (towns with 10 lakh plus population).
Abduction cases have seen a rise of almost 100% in ten years and 44,664 cases of  abduction have been registered showing an increase of 98.6% over 2001. Almost 75% of the abductors are male and 67% of them are below 29 years of age. You can see that most of the criminals and culprits comprise of our young generation whom we say that will take the whole nation to great heights.
The dowry system which has been in India from the medieval period has also seen a rise of 20% since 2000 (6,995 deaths) and figures state that everyday 23 dowry deaths are reported (8,618 death in 2011). Dowry has also been ranked the five most motive for all the murderers (3.9%).
Children, the picture of God should be the most protected, yet are at the greatest risk. In Delhi alone 9000 kids went missing till September this year. While kidnapping and abduction of children accounted for 46.2% of the cases, rapes were 21.5% and other crimes 25.8%. In 88.6% cases of the child abuse, parents were the perpetrators.

The country of holiness is turning into the country of crimes rapidly and now we, the young generation have a need to do something extraordinary that will restrain our Ma Bharti from falling in the bog of crimes. Hope that our young generation will do something for this.
                                                  JAI HIND, JAI BHARAT.
                                                               JAI MA BHARTI

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